How do you say thank you in Amsterdam?

How do you say thank you in Amsterdam? 1) Dank je wel / Dankjewel [?d??k j? '??l] This is hands down the most popular way to say thank you in Dutch. You'll hear dank je wel used all over The Netherlands, and you'll see it spelled in two ways: dankjewel and dank je wel. Both are correct and pronounced the same way.

What is the best response to thank you?

You're welcome., My pleasure., No problem. or No worries. The first two are more formal and the last two are more informal.

Do you tip in Amsterdam?

That's because, in the Netherlands, there is no social or written requirement to tip a restaurant worker. However, if you received good service or thoroughly enjoyed the food, it's customary to give a small tip — around 5-10% of the bill. If your service was just average, round up the bill or leave some change.