How do you show respect in Morocco?

How do you show respect in Morocco?

All you have to do is follow these five etiquette tips.
  1. Dress conservatively. Morocco is a Muslim country, and so modesty is important. ...
  2. Use your right hand. In Morocco, the left hand is reserved for bathroom hygiene and dirty chores. ...
  3. Take your shoes off. ...
  4. Don't give praise. ...
  5. Use traditional sayings.

Can I kiss my girlfriend in Morocco?

If you are a foreign couple visiting and you kiss no one is likely going to say anything to you – kissing in Morocco is not illegal. However if one partner is Moroccan you may face additional scrutiny. While you might not get in trouble, it is highly frowned on to kiss or fondle each other in public.

How can I be respectful in Marrakech?

5 Tips to Tour Morocco with Good Manners
  • Dress conservatively. Morocco is a Muslim country, and so modesty is important. ...
  • Use your right hand. In Morocco, the left hand is reserved for bathroom hygiene and dirty chores. ...
  • Take your shoes off. ...
  • Don't give praise. ...
  • Use traditional sayings.

What is Morocco well known for?

What is Morocco known for? If anything, it's the colorful markets, or souks. For visitors, the heart of every medina is the souk. Here are enough colorful displays of spices, leatherwork, clothes, and brassware to excite every photographer—and entice every shopper.

What is frowned upon in Morocco?

Moroccan etiquette and customs Nonetheless, you should try not to affront people's religious beliefs, especially those of older, more conservative people. Avoid, for example, wearing revealing clothes, kissing and cuddling in public, or eating or smoking in the street during Ramadan.

Can I show my knees in Morocco?

The basic “rules” are to cover your shoulders, knees, and chest. Most days I had my elbows covered, too, and made sure that my tops were long enough to cover my bum. Showing elbows is fine! Mostly Amazigh (Berber) men wear these head wraps in the desert, but tourist women sometimes opt to for fun, as well.

What are 2 rules of food etiquette in Morocco?

Moroccan Food Etiquette: How to Eat Without Offending Hosts Never help yourself to bread, wait until the bread is passed to you. Use the bread to mop up leftover sauces on your plate. Don't lick your fingers until the end of your meal – use bread or a napkin to clean your fingers during the meal.

What are 3 fun facts about Morocco?

The most interesting facts about Morocco
  • There is a Blue City in Morocco.
  • There is also a Red City in Morocco.
  • Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States as a country.
  • Tourism is a huge industry in Morocco.
  • 99% of Moroccans are Muslim.
  • There are several languages spoken in Morocco.

Can Moroccans drink alcohol?

Morocco is quite a liberal country in comparison to other Muslim nations, but there are still some important differences to bear in mind if it is your first time here. Is Morocco a dry country? Morocco allows the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol must be purchased and consumed in licensed hotels, bars, and tourist areas.

Is thumbs up ok in Morocco?

Never give the thumbs up gesture or gesture with your left hand. Wear modest clothing in public and COVER your body. Women should keep a scarf with them to enter mosques.

What are the unspoken rules in Morocco?

Moroccans don't eat with their left hands. Left hands are considered the “dirty hand” as they are traditionally used for hygienic duties. When eating tajine, you will be given bread to dip into the middle dish. You can rip your own bread with your left hand, but use your right hand to dip into the communal dish.