How does an American rent a car in Germany?

How does an American rent a car in Germany? You can rent a car with a US driver's license. International licenses are accepted, but not legally required. There are no tolls for private cars on German roads.

Can a US citizen rent a car in Germany?

Driving in Germany You can rent a car with a US driver's license. International licenses are accepted, but not legally required. There are no tolls for private cars on German roads.

What do I need to drive in Germany as a US citizen?

An applicant will usually be asked to present the following documents:
  1. an official identification document such as a passport.
  2. a residency registration certificate from the Einwohnermeldeamt.
  3. the original U.S. license together with a German translation.
  4. a statement by the applicant that the license is still valid.

Can US citizens rent a car in Europe?

Whether you're American or Canadian, your passport and driver's license are all you need in most European countries. However, some countries also require an International Driving Permit (IDP). An IDP is an official translation of your US license (making it easier for the cop to write out a ticket).

Do I need rental car insurance in Germany?

As mentioned above briefly, third party liability and fire insurance are both mandatory, and fortunately these are included in all car rental rates in Germany when you book with Auto Europe, but CDW and Theft protection are not required, as some credit card companies will provide these insurance extras for you.

Can Americans rent cars internationally?

Depending on your destination, you may need an International Driving Permit (IDP) when renting a car internationally. More than 150 countries worldwide recognize the IDP. Even in countries that don't require it, an IDP can be helpful when renting a car or dealing with authorities if you get a ticket.

Why renting a car in Germany is so expensive?

Rental cars are slapped with Germany's 16% Value Added Tax (VAT), registration fee, and airport fees (but rates do include the required third-party liability insurance). These additional fees may equal up to 25% of the daily rental.