How far in advance can you book TGV trains in France?

How far in advance can you book TGV trains in France? TGV OUIGO: Tickets go on sale 2 to 9 months in advance, so all those who love to plan ahead can save more money. A 100% digital option, with tickets that can now be exchanged on SNCF Connect. More than 50 destinations available, at TGV stations and city centres, to discover all of France at an affordable price.

How far in advance are train tickets released?

Typically, train companies release their Advance tickets 12 weeks before the departure date, although some go on sale as far as 24 weeks in advance!

What is the difference between TGV and TGV INOUI?

On SNCF Connect, you can book two types of TGVs: INOUI or OUIGO TGV. TGV INOUI is a premium, more comfortable TGV offer, while OUIGO offers a single travel class and low prices.

What happens if I miss my TGV?

TGV and Eurostar tickets are only valid on the booked train, date and class. If you are about to miss your train or have missed it for another reason than train traffic disruption, you can excchange or cancel the ticket according to the fare conditions and/or purchase a new ticket.

What is the best day to buy train tickets?

Travel during peak travel periods will usually see you paying more as there is more demand for tickets. For that reason, the best days to buy tickets are generally in the middle of the week between Tuesday and Thursday, the former considered the best of all by several sources.

What is a standard advance train ticket?

Advance tickets are single (one-way) tickets for a specific train, only available to be bought in advance. If you don't mind being flexible about your travel times, Advance tickets can save you a lot.

Can you bring luggage on TGV?

For travel on TGV INOUI or TGV France-Italy trains There is no weight limit for your luggage, but you must be able to carry your bags and suitcases by yourself*. On TGV INOUI trains: Your cabin luggage or other compact bags should be stowed under your seat, at your feet, or in the overhead compartment above your seat.

What is the best way to book TGV trains?

Where to Buy TGV Tickets. There are several ways to buy tickets for TGV trains. The best and most affordable way of doing so is via the SNCF website. There, you'll be able to enter in your chosen destination, travel dates, and whether you're looking for a one-way or return ticket.

Is SNCF the same as TGV?

TGV is SNCF's high-speed rail service. Carrying passengers across France on trains exceeding 300kmh, TGV train has become one of the most popular modes of transport for travelling around the country.

How far in advance should I book a train in France?

Tickets go on sale at least 90 days out and for summer season sometimes earlier. The price is about a third what you pay last minute and often less than the cost of the reservation when you have a train pass. There is not much difference between 1st and 2nd class and they both get to the destination at the same time.