How fast is Splash Mountain drop?

How fast is Splash Mountain drop? Splash Mountain's main drop is a 5-story, 50-foot plunge at a 45-degree angle at a speed of about 40 mph! You will definitely lose your stomach (and your mouse ears!) before getting splashed! Tip: Riders in the back of the log may get a little wet, but those sitting towards the front can expect to get soaked.

Can you feel your stomach drop on Splash Mountain?

The drops on Splash don't give you much of the stomach drop sensation. They are not very steep. That said, the drops will still probably bother you mentally, but it will be well worth it. Splash Mountain is one of the truly special rides in all of WDW that MUST be experienced.

Is Splash Mountain a 50 ft drop?

Splash Mountain is one of those attractions that looks more intimidating than it actually is. While it does have a 5-story drop (around 50 feet), you won't even notice since you'll be too busy having a great time.

How thrilling is Splash Mountain?

one of the best themed and most exciting rides in all of disney, this one should not be missed. the thrill is not just the one big drop, but there are several throughout the ride. a very good length for a water flume ride, and you can get decently wet. dont take my word for it, go on it and enjoy it for yourself!

How wet is Splash Mountain get you?

It is almost a certainty that you will get wet, and possibly drenched, riding Splash Mountain. During the summer months, the water jets are cranked up to 11, practically guaranteeing that you'll get soaked. If you visit on a cool day, you may want to carry a plastic garbage bag.

What angle is Splash Mountain drop?

Since opening on July 17, 1989, Splash Mountain has made a “splash” in the hearts of Disneyland Resort guests. As you travel through backwoods swamps and bayous, your adventure culminates in a high-speed 52-foot drop (more than five stories) at a 45-degree angle!

What happens if you flash on Splash Mountain?

If you get caught flashing on Splash Mountain, however, you're in a lot of trouble. Disney could throw the book at you for this one. It's technically public indecency, and with small children around, getting banned from the park might not be your biggest concern.

What is the highest drop at Six Flags?

When you crest the top of that first hill, wave to the legendary Twisted Colossus – way down below you. And now onto serious business – a staggering 255 foot drop which you'll take at 85 mph, making this one of the longest and fastest drops in the world.

What is the slowest ride at Disney World?

The Slowest Rides at Walt Disney World
  • We still love you though.
  • The Haunted Mansion.
  • Soarin'
  • Living with the Land.
  • Na'vi River Journey.
  • Spaceship Earth.

What is the highest drop at Disney World?

What Is The Highest Roller Coaster In Disney World? Expedition Everest is both the tallest roller coaster and the roller coaster with the highest drop at Walt Disney World. The attraction tops out at 199.5 ft tall (not the track but the structure). The biggest drop on the ride is 80 ft tall.

Which drop is bigger Jurassic Park or Splash Mountain?

Jurassic Parks drop is more intense, and way more scary! Most of the drop is in the dark, so it feels really long. The drop in Splash is like 2 seconds, and is nowhere near as bad as in steepness or height.

How fast is Splash Mountain in mph?

Splash Mountain – 40 mph Splash Mountain featured several exciting drops, including a steep 50-foot drop into a splashdown finale that reached a top speed of 40 miles per hour. The ride also featured animatronics and scenes from the film, adding to the immersive experience.