How long do cabin crew stay away from home?

How long do cabin crew stay away from home?

Work Schedules
They may spend several nights per week or per month away from home. In most cases, a contract between the airline and the flight attendant union determines the total daily and monthly workable hours. On-duty shifts per day may vary from 4 to 18 hours or longer, such as for international flights.

Is it hard to get a job as cabin crew?

Steps to Take to be a Flight Attendant It's difficult and can take a long time. Airlines can take 3-6 months to get through the hiring process, that's if your resume makes it through the first cut. Intense Competition. We estimate there are 1 – 1.5 million flight attendant applications for 5,000 – 10,000 jobs.

Can I live off a flight attendant salary?

I could live well on my salary, I know that, but there are people who couldn't live with a similar salary, others could live with less. Also many airlines gave less and there are airlines that paid better. So, in my case: I had a house, a car, a wife and two daughters and we lived on my salary.

What is the rule of cabin crew?

Summary. Cabin crew must always be punctual or risk being sent home or put on standby. Being late more than three times can result in job loss. Visible tattoos and piercings are generally not allowed, although some airlines have recently relaxed this rule.

What are the hardest things about being cabin crew?

8 cons of being a flight attendant
  • On-call scheduling. Flight attendants might work on an on-call or reserve basis. ...
  • Time away from home. ...
  • Weekend and holiday work. ...
  • Frequent time zone changes. ...
  • Passenger conflicts. ...
  • Limited growth opportunities. ...
  • In-person work. ...
  • Travel delays.

Why do cabin crews quit their job?

However, there are also lots of downsides including difficult schedules, disrupted sleep patterns and low pay. Previously, we've spoken to former flight attendants who quit for a number of reasons, such as Love Island's Lucinda Strafford who said the job just wasn't as glamorous as she expected.

Can you fail cabin crew training?

Upon hire, new Flight Attendants must go through the individual airline's training for certification. Sadly, most new hires fail airline training before ever making it to the tarmac. However, our graduates have a head start, and most go on to get hired by some of the top airline companies in the world.

How stressful is cabin crew job?

Mental demands – being a flight attendant can also be mentally demanding. The different time zones and physical aspects can result in tiredness, jet lag and fatigue. Dealing with challenging passengers can be stressful and upsetting.

Do flight attendants get to go home every day?

Flight attendants frequently have between 12 and 18 days off per month and over a years time, average about 156 days off. (The average office worker has 96 days off and, works eight-hour days.) Of course, days off are not necessarily at home, buy many flight attendants use these days as mini vacations.

How long do flight attendants rest between flights?

Crew members are required to have a 10-hour rest period within each 24-hour cycle. The maximum duty day is 14 hours and must be followed by a 10-hour rest period at their hotel. When scheduling a flight, operators usually account for 12 hours of rest instead of 10.

Where do most flight attendants live?

They will most likely need to pick up extra trips on their days off to supplement their income. They may be sharing a crash pad (an apartment or hotel where several Flight Attendants share the expenses) if they choose not to live in their base city and decide to commute.

Do flight attendants pay for housing?

Let's break it down with how airlines come into play with cabin crew living! While you are working a trip, the airline will provide hotel accommodations to you on your overnights, with no cost to you! These nights in the hotel are completely complimentary, and are part of the job as a flight attendant.

How far can flight attendants live from their base?

You do not need to live on base. Flight Attendants can live anywhere in the world, provided they can get to base for the start of their shift.

What is the 10 hour rule for flight attendants?

Under the rule, flight attendants are entitled to a minimum rest period of at least 10 consecutive hours when they're scheduled to work for 14 hours or less. The law allows for no reduction of the rest period under any circumstances.

How long do flight attendants stay in a location?

It is usually a 24-hour stay and can be longer than two days or more, if it is a long-haul or ultra-long-haul flight. That gives the crew time to rest and relax and also explore the destination where they are at. However, they must stay within a certain distance of the airport.

What does a flight attendants schedule look like?

What Are Typical Flight Attendant Hours? Flight attendants do not have an average work schedule. They can expect to spend 65 to 90 hours in the air per month, and an additional 50 hours per month preparing the airplane, processing passengers during boarding, and performing post-flight procedures.

What benefits do flight attendants get?

Here are 10 common advantages of the flight attendant career path:
  • Free flights and travel opportunities. ...
  • Flight benefits for family and friends. ...
  • Flexible schedule. ...
  • Opportunities to meet new people. ...
  • Food expense reimbursement. ...
  • Overnight hotel stays. ...
  • Ability to self-direct. ...
  • Health insurance.

What is the hardest airline to get a job with?

For aspiring flight attendants, Delta Air Lines, ranked by its employees as one of the best places to work, is also one of the most difficult places to get a job. It's harder to get invited to Delta flight attendant training than it is to get into Harvard University.

How many flights do cabin crew do a day?

How many flights can I expect to fly on a typical day? The number of flights will vary based on the trip assigned. However, as an Endeavor flight attendant, you can expect to fly from one to six flights in a day.

What is the most difficult part of cabin crew job?

Example: “I believe the most challenging aspect of being a flight attendant is dealing with unruly or uncooperative passengers. Not only do these types of fliers make the flight less enjoyable for the other passengers, but they can also present a safety risk.