How long do you spend at Eiffel Tower?

How long do you spend at Eiffel Tower? It is advisable to plan a visiting time of at least 1 1/2 hours for visit to the 1st and 2nd floors and 2 1/2 hours for a visit to the top.

How many steps does it take to walk up the Eiffel Tower?

Visiting the Eiffel Tower on foot: how many stairs, how long does it take and how far up can you go? While the Tower has a total of 1,665 steps from the ground to the top, you can only climb 674 of them, from the ground to the second floor (327, then 347 steps).

Can you go to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower?

If you buy a ticket to the top of the Eiffel Tower, you have access to all the floors (1st floor, 2nd floor, and the top). The visit to the Eiffel Tower begins on the upper floors (the second floor or the top) before descending to the first floor.

How long does it take to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower in the lift?

For visitors who take the lift, it is only a matter of a couple of minutes! If you have a ticket to go to the top, please bear in mind that you take a different elevator from the second floor to the summit. Depending on the day and the time, you might encounter a little bit of wait to take this elevator.

What do you wear to the Eiffel Tower?

There is no dress code at the Eiffel Tower. However, we suggest wearing comfortable clothes for your visit.

Is it better to take the elevator or stairs in the Eiffel Tower?

Lift vs Stairs | Which to Choose? For people in good health who want a unique experience up the Eiffel Tower, the stairs are a great way to catch beautiful views of Paris while also enjoying a quick workout. Tickets for the stairs are cheaper than the tickets for the lifts, and also have minimal waiting times.

Does the Eiffel Tower still sparkle every hour?

This beacon resonates the image of Gustave Eiffel's Tower itself as a universal and symbolic landmark. The sparkling lights are superimposed over the golden lighting, they bring the monument to life for 5 minutes every hour on the hour once the Tower has been lit up.

Is it worth going up Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel Tower is one of Paris and France's most iconic monuments, and being at the top of the famous tower is a lifetime experience. It's not only about the views! The Eiffel Tower is part of Paris's history, and the history of its design and construction is fascinating, with many quirky anecdotes.

Is it hard to walk up the Eiffel Tower?

The tower's summit can only be reached via elevator, but its first two levels are accessible through a series of winding staircases inside its pillars — 327 steps to the first level and then 347 to the second (that's 674 total if you're counting). It might sound hard, but climbing the tower is easier than you'd think.

Can you buy tickets at the Eiffel Tower?

If there are no more online (elevator) tickets available on the selected date on our online ticket office, you can purchase tickets from the ticket office at the Eiffel tower itself at the individual rate, on the day of your visit, for immediate use (always depending on the attendance).

Does the Eiffel Tower shine every hour?

The sparkles: every evening after dusk for 5 minutes at the beginning of each hour. As the lights are switched off at 11.45pm, they will sparkle for the last time at 11pm.

Where is the best place to see the Eiffel Tower light show?

One of the best places and definitely a popular spot to view the Eiffel Tower is from Trocadero. Located just across the Seine river, the Trocadero offers a stunning panoramic view of the tower, and is especially beautiful at night when the tower is illuminated.

Is it safe to go to the Eiffel Tower at night?

Night visits in summer and winter Unless weather conditions or special safety considerations prevent it, you can visit the tower up to midnight from mid-June to early September and up to 11:00 pm the rest of the year. The hours of operation are also extended to midnight during Easter weekend and spring break.

Should I go to the top of the Eiffel Tower or second floor?

The peak experience is halfway down. By all means, go to the top if you have the time (skip it if your schedule's tight). But I prefer to linger on the second floor: For me, the best views are from this middle level — high enough to see all of Paris, but low enough to pick out distinguishing landmarks.

Can you do Eiffel Tower and Louvre in one day?

Yes, you could probably do those all in a day, especially if you don't intend to linger for hours at the Louvre, which it's entirely possible to do. But if you have 9 days in Paris it would make more sense to group things more logically, instead of criss-crossing Paris to get from one thing to another in a single day.

Can you just go to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower?

A. Yes. You can buy skip the line tickets to get to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. You can book your tickets here.

Which floor of Eiffel Tower should I visit?

We strongly recommend a visit to the 1st floor where there is a great visitor experience with cultural and entertaining displays to deepen and enhance your experience at the Eiffel Tower. There is also a children's play area, and a terrace where seasonal entertainment is proposed.

What time does the Eiffel Tower sparkle?

The Tower lights and beacon are lit up every evening from dusk until 11.45pm. As soon as it gets dark, the Eiffel Tower's golden lighting switches on automatically within less than 10 minutes, thanks to light-sensitive twilight sensors. Simply check an almanac to find out what time the monument will light up.

Is it better to go up the Eiffel Tower at night or day?

Attendance over the course of the day depends on the period of the year, weather conditions, as well as the day of the week. In general, to feel more comfortable, start your visit early in the morning (before 10:30am) or at the end of the day after 5 PM, or even in the evening. More information is available on our FAQ.

How early should I get to Eiffel Tower?

The entrances of the Eiffel Tower are located in the side gardens—the east entrance and south entrance. The first security checkpoint is there. If you have purchased your ticket in advance, it is preferable to arrive at this entrance 15 to 20 minutes prior to the time indicated on your ticket.

How long does it take to walk up and down the Eiffel Tower?

It takes anywhere between 30 and 45 minutes to walk up the Eiffel Tower stairs, and about 20 minutes to walk down the stairs.

Is it worth it to eat in the Eiffel Tower?

Dining at one of the Eiffel Tower's two restaurants is a unique experience that is well worth discovering. Here we'll tell you all about the legendary Le Jules Verne restaurant and the truly Parisian Madame Brasserie.

Do you tip in Paris?

Tipping in France is not mandatory. Even though it is always appreciated, it's up to the customers to decide if they want to tip or not. Unlike other countries, the price of the service is included in the total cost of the bill. You will never be asked to tip, but it's common to leave one if the service was good.