How long does it take to drive through Zion National Park in Utah?

How long does it take to drive through Zion National Park in Utah? This scenic byway runs for 54 miles. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.

Which is better Bryce or Zion?

Both parks are incredibly popular destinations with unique features that draw in visitors from all over. While Zion tends to be busier due to its proximity to Las Vegas, Bryce Canyon offers incredible views of its iconic red-rock hoodoos and stunning natural landscapes.

Can you visit Zion without shuttle?

When shuttles are not available, visitors can drive to the various trailheads on the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. Please be advised we expect the shuttle to fill daily when they operate, limiting access. Visit the Zion NPS website for more details.

Is The Drive From Zion to Bryce scary?

The Direct Route is safe - that said, you'll face sharp turns in the form of switchbacks. Switchbacks are roads with sharp ascents and descents cutting back one on another, so it's good to be prepared for this before you set off on your trip. If you're scared of heights, there's no need to be concerned.

Should I go to Bryce or Zion first?

A Utah roadtrip route If you're only doing these two parks then it doesn't matter which you do first. If you're going over to the other Utah national parks (on the east side of the state), then it makes sense to do Zion first, then Bryce and head on east.

How long is the Zion Scenic Drive shuttle?

Shuttles take about 45 minutes to drive between the Zion Canyon Visitor Center and the Temple of Sinawava. This means a round trip takes about an hour and a half.

How far apart are Bryce and Zion?

Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park are approximately 80 miles apart and one can be reached from the other in under 2 hours by car, about 1 hour and 40 minutes without traffic. The fastest route between the two parks starts on Route 12, takes you south on Interstate 89 and then west on Route 9.

Why is Zion so popular?

Zion's popularity rests partly on its stunning landscape, including some of the tallest sandstone cliffs in the world, and its tapering wild canyon you can hike through.

What is the busiest day in Zion?

As with most national parks, Zion's busiest season is when the kids are off school and most people take their vacations. That means weekends much of the year and the most crowded time between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Does it cost to drive through Zion?

With about 230 square miles to explore, driving is the best way to experience a Zion National Park tour. However, like any national park, you'll have to buy an entrance pass to get in. At Zion, the fee for a single vehicle is $35.

Can you do Zion and Bryce in the same day?

Yes, it is possible to see both Zion and Bryce Canyon in one day, but it will be one VERY FULL day. A lot depends on where you start and end your trip, of course.

What is a good month to visit Zion?

For the average national park explorer, late spring or early fall is the best time to visit Zion. From April to May and September to October, the weather is good, crowds are fewer, and hiking conditions are optimal.

Should I spend more time in Bryce or Zion?

If you are more interested in hiking, plan to spend more time in Zion National Park. I recommend at least 2 days. If you're more interested in scenic drives and accessible, paved trails, I recommend spending more time in Bryce Canyon National Park.

How long is the drive through Zion National Park?

Highway 9 is a 14-mile stretch of road that goes through Zion National Park and connects the East side of the park to Zion Scenic Drive and Kolob Terrace Road. You are able to drive this route freely throughout the year. Many tourists drive this route every year to experience the marvel of the Mt.

What is the best way to see Zion National Park?

The best way to see Zion is to spend a week in the park, starting with the visitor center displays and programs, then taking a Zion Canyon Scenic Drive trip on the shuttle bus, and gradually working from short hikes and walks to full-day and overnight treks into the backcountry.

What is the least crowded month in Zion?

Best Time to Visit Zion National Park for Smaller Crowds If you have the flexibility, making the trip during the park's off-peak months of October through March means less crowded hiking trails and fewer view-blocking selfie sticks. If you're looking for a really quiet escape, January is the best time to visit.

How much time do I need in Zion National Park?

Ideally, you need two to three days to really explore Zion National Park. This will give you enough time to hike one of the longer trails such as Angels Landing or the Narrows and enjoy all the major viewpoints.

Do you need a car in Zion National Park?

The best way to get around Zion National Park is on the park's free shuttle during the nine months of the year that it runs. Between December and February, your only option is a car since the shuttle pauses service during the winter months.

Can you enjoy Zion without hiking?

Two Zion activities that we'll include as honorable mentions are the Kolob Canyons scenic drive which is about 40 miles north of the main canyon as well as Zion National Park helicopter tours. Both Zion activities are amazing and don't require any hiking at all!

Can I just drive through Zion National Park?

Can I drive my private vehicle into Zion Canyon? A. From March through late November, access to the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive is by shuttle bus only. Private vehicles are allowed to access the Scenic Drive only when the Shuttle System is not in operation.