How long is bus from Dubrovnik to Split?

How long is bus from Dubrovnik to Split? The rides from Dubrovnik to Split take a minimum of 3 hours 45 minutes; what's more, when you travel by bus, you don't need to worry about traffic or delays en route. Just relax and enjoy the journey with free WiFi and plenty of legroom.

How do you pay for the bus in Croatia?

Customers can buy tickets in diffrent ways:
  1. Online, with credit or debit card and the printer at hand. ...
  2. At bus terminals, agencies, sales offices etc.
  3. At 1200 kiosks of Tisak in Croatia (just for domestic lines).
  4. Personally, on board, right before the journey.

Can you pay by card on bus in Croatia?

Tickets at the bus stations can be bought with cash or debit/credit card, online with debit/credit card and if you are buying your ticket last minute on-board, at the driver, make sure you bring enough cash since it's the only payment option in the bus.

Is it better to bus or ferry from Split to Dubrovnik?

Without a doubt, driving is the best way of getting from Split to Dubrovnik. Boarding a ferry and cruising along Adriatic is another excellent way to get from Split to Dubrovnik during summer. There are between 20 and 30 daily bus connections between Split and Dubrovnik, including a night bus.

Can you do a day trip from Dubrovnik to Split?

Take an excursion from Dubrovnik to the city of Split on a full-day excursion and private walking tour. See its many sites and learn why Split is known as the heart of Dalmatia.

Is Dubrovnik nicer than Split?

Split is more relaxed and fun, centrally located, offering more day trip options, better nightlife, and slightly cheaper prices than Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful walled cities in the world, very elegant, with better beaches and hotels than Split. Both towns are must-visit places in Croatia.

How much is an Uber from Dubrovnik to Split?

Dubrovnik to Split & Split to Dubrovnik by UBER => 1.500 Kuna (223 US$ / 200 Euro) Dubrovnik to Sarajevo => from 958 Kuna.

What to avoid in Split Croatia?

8 Things You Should Avoid in Split
  • Scams. Let's be real – scams are happening everywhere. ...
  • Overpriced Restaurants. So many amazing restaurants in Split serve delicious traditional Croatian cuisine. ...
  • Pickpockets. ...
  • Crowded Areas. ...
  • Crowded Beaches. ...
  • Split's Football Frenzy. ...
  • Driving & Parking. ...
  • Brda (City's neighbourhood)

How do you travel between Split and Dubrovnik?

You can usually find daily ferries between Split and Dubrovnik, with up to 28 weekly crossings in the high-season months. Ferry timetables are usually not fixed, as different companies operate during different seasons. You can expect, however, several departures throughout the day.

How much money do I need per day in Dubrovnik?

We recommend that you arrive with at least around $100 reserved for each day of your trip to Dubrovnik (about £75 or €88). This will allow for an enjoyable, budget-conscious trip. If you are a high-end traveler, you must raise this budget accordingly.