How long is ferry ride from Naples to Capri?

How long is ferry ride from Naples to Capri? How long is the ferry ride from Naples to Capri? The Naples to Capri ferry time is around 50 min.

Do you have to buy ferry tickets to Capri in advance?

No, ferry tickets can be purchased directly from the pier ticket office until a few minutes before the departure time. It can be a problem to purchase tickets in high season at the peak times (morning to Capri and evening from Capri) because of long lines and crowded ferries.

Do Capri ferries sell out?

No, you can easily purchase your ticket directly at the port up until a few minutes before departure. Tickets may be sold out during the high traffic times in spring and summer, but if you arrive at the port at least half an hour before departure, you should be able to purchase tickets with no problems.

Is Capri better than Positano?

If you're seeking a glamorous, high-end experience, Capri may be the destination for you. If you're looking for a more relaxed, romantic atmosphere, Positano might be the better option.

How much time do you need in Capri?

To take a quick peek at the Piazzetta and Anacapri, you'll need at least 4 hours; plan on at least 7 hours if you'd also like to take a boat tour around the island. For a deep dive into all the sights and monuments on the island, you need to plan on at least three days.

What day is best to go to Capri?

The tourist season on Capri traditionally runs from the Easter holidays to the first weekend of November. Locals consider the best times to visit the island from the beginning of April to mid-June, and from the beginning of September to mid-October.

What should I wear for a day trip to Capri?

You will need shorts for sightseeing, hiking the island hills, and strolling around town. You can wear them all day, and they go well with T-shirts or even linen shirts. Remember to pack long pants too. A pair of dungarees or blue jeans can be helpful, as will regular pants.

Can you go swimming in the Blue Grotto?

Can visitors swim in the Blue Grotto Capri? No, visitors can neither enter the cave by swimming nor disembark from their rowboat to swim inside the cave. However, after the cave closes to the public at 5:30 p.m. (when the rowboats and ticket office close), many swimmers enter the cave by sea.

What is the non touristy thing to do in Capri Italy?

A good way to avoid the tourist crowds is to avoid the most popular places between 11 am and 6 pm and instead, go for a hike, a stroll around the Villas, go to a beach club, rent a private boat, enjoy the gardens or swimming pool of your hotel, or go shopping on via Camerelle.

Can you wear flip flops in Capri?

According to, flip flops are banned on the island of Capri, in Italy, as it is illegal to wear “excessively noisy” footwear because locals value their “peace and quiet”. However, tourists can carry noisy shoes and wear them in the rest of Italy.

How long is a boat tour around Capri?

On a medium boat, it takes about an hour to sail around the entire island. If you want to take your time and stop to explore some grottoes or swim, you'll need a couple of hours. Boat rental companies offer tours with a skipper that last 3 to 4 hours so you have plenty of time to enjoy your sail and take a dip.

Is it worth spending a night in Capri?

So if you stumbled upon this article while still doubting whether to visit Capri for a day or stay on the island, I highly recommend staying in Capri, even if only for one or two nights. Staying longer will allow you to get a bit beyond the most popular tourist routes and see some amazing scenery.