How long is New York City?

How long is New York City? The total area of the five boroughs that make up New York City is about 320 sq miles; the longest distance between its boundaries, from the northeast to the southwest, is about 35 miles.

Can you drink and walk in NYC?

New York State has strict laws governing public alcohol consumption. Generally, drinking in public places, such as streets or parks, is prohibited. Violating these laws can result in fines or even arrest. As such, when wondering if you can drink in Central Park in NYC, the answer is no.

Can you walk NYC in a day?

If you're prepared to wake up early, walk a lot, and dive right into the bustle of the city, you can see a wide variety of the top attractions in Manhattan in one day–plus squeeze in a tiny taste of Brooklyn, too.

Can you walk New York in a day?

If you're prepared to wake up early, walk a lot, and dive right into the bustle of the city, you can see a wide variety of the top attractions in Manhattan in one day–plus squeeze in a tiny taste of Brooklyn, too.

Can you walk Manhattan in a day?

Start in the morning, so you have time for a lunch break and can wrap up before dinnertime. How long the walk takes will, of course, depend on your speed and how long you take for breaks. My journey ended up at about 5 hours, 30 minutes including a few short stops.

Is 1 week in NYC too much?

One week in NYC gives you enough time to see all the popular attractions, visit historic sites, and really get to know the city. We put together an example of a popular 7 Days in New York City Itinerary to give you a little inspiration to start planning the perfect sightseeing itinerary.

How many days do you need in New York?

You need at least three days to really see the main highlights (though a “quick hits” tour could be done in a two-day NYC itinerary). However, I suggest 4-5 days to see the main sights without rushing too much.