How many days would you need in Krakow?

How many days would you need in Krakow? How Much Time Should You Spend in Krakow? 3 days in Krakow is the perfect amount of time to tour Wawel Castle, visit the top sights in the Old Town, get a history lesson in Kazimierz, and day trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau. If you have less than 3 days in Krakow, you can do this same itinerary, with some modifications.

Is 4 days in Krakow too much?

Four days in Kraków is enough time to explore the key sightseeing districts in the centre of the city and to head out of town for at least one day trip. This is the ideal way to make the most of four days in Kraków, as it offers the most flexibility.

Is Krakow a walkable city?

When it comes to the central attractions, Kraków is an extremely walkable city and you often won't need any transport at all. Much of the Old Town is pedestrianised, so you can wander around without danger of being run over.

What is the best month to visit Krakow?

The best times to visit Kraków are from March to May and between September and November. The weather is pleasant and the summer's throngs of tourists are nowhere to be found. July and August's weather often climbs into the mid-70s, while the average low in January is in the low 20s.

How long is too long in Krakow?

Spending 5 days in Krakow is not too much, especially if you do side trips to Auschwitz, the salt mines and Zakopane. However, I would consider 7 days to be too long as Krakow is not a huge city and its city center is very compact. In this case, you could add 2 or 3 days in Wroclaw and Warsaw.

Are 2 days enough in Krakow?

Well, while you can spend several days just soaking in the vibe of Kazimierz and feasting on amazing Polish food, two days in Krakow is enough to experience the main sights. If you've got three days, I recommend spending the last day on a day trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Wieliczka Salt Mine.

Which is better Prague or Krakow?

(its a MUST DO one every travelers list). Prague however is a sheer wonderland of architectural delight. Personally, if you want to just be a tourist then I would suggest Prague. If you want to take something home in your heart which will live with you forever then go to Krakow.

Is 5 days too long in Krakow?

I mentioned in my last post that the perfect amount of time to explore Krakow is 5 days. This is how long I was there. Of course, I would have loved to stay longer, but I got to see just about everything on my list.

What is the cheapest month to go to Krakow?

Low season (November–February) is best for photography and budget travel. Prices drop during the winter months when visitors are few, which makes it an excellent time for budget travelers to visit.

Is there a dress code for Auschwitz?

While the memorial does not specifically impose a dress code, it urges visitors to dress appropriately, keeping in mind the solemn and sensitive nature of the site. Photography is allowed on the grounds of the museum, but visitors should avoid using flash and stands.

Is it worth going to Auschwitz?

It is essential to visit both parts of the camp, Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, in order to acquire a proper sense of the place that has become the symbol of the Holocaust as well as Nazi crimes againt Poles, Romas and other groups.