How much do hotels pay influencers?

How much do hotels pay influencers? Some influencers may be willing to work for free in exchange for complimentary accommodations or other perks, while others may charge a fee for their services. The fee can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per post or campaign, depending on the influencer's popularity and the scope of the project.

Who is the highest paid Instagrammer?

Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo continues to sit at the top of the list with the highest-ever potential earning, making an average of $ 3.2 million per post compared to $2,3 million per post last year.

How do you pitch yourself to a hotel as an influencer?

  1. How to pitch to hotels as a blogger, influencer or content creator.
  2. Define your value proposition.
  3. Get clear on your goals.
  4. Get your foundations sorted.
  5. Make sure it's a fit.
  6. Find the right contact.
  7. Put your best foot forward.
  8. Make them the centre of your pitch.

How do I ask my hotel for free stay influencer?

1. Find The Right Type of Hotel
  1. Think About Your Niche. ...
  2. Go For Less Expensive Options. ...
  3. Look For Them on Social Media. ...
  4. Use a Professional E-Mail. ...
  5. Introduce Yourself. ...
  6. Give Them Details About Your Stay. ...
  7. Tell Them WHY Exactly You Chose Their Place. ...
  8. Let Them Know Their Benefits.

How do celebrities get into hotels?

In most hotels that celebrities frequent, there is a feature in the hotel's system that allows a pseudonym to be entered along with the true name. The hotel and key staff will be briefed on the guest and will know the connection and pseudonym.