How much do you tip in Cuba?

How much do you tip in Cuba? Tips for Hotel Bartenders in Cuba: 10% if service isn't included. If you're at an all-inclusive resort, the US$1 every few drinks is most common. Tips for Hotel Maids in Cuba: US$1-5 per night for each night of your stay. Tips for Bellboys in Cuba: US$1-5 at check-in and the same at check out.

Should I exchange money before going to Cuba?

It is advisable to exchange GBP for Euros or USD before you arrive in Cuba. Some hotels only accept bankcard payments. Check with your bank before you travel to confirm that your debit, credit and ATM cards will work in Cuba. It is currently illegal to exchange money other than at Cadeca exchange houses.

How much cash should I bring to Cuba?

Currently, the EURO is the predominant currency in Cuba. Evening shows range in price. More extravagant venues can cost up to $150 with dinner included. Please make sure you bring enough CASH with you for the entire trip. We recommend bringing at least 200 EUROS for local tips and 800 USD per person.

Is it cheaper to go to Cuba or Mexico?

Cuba offers more budget-friendly options in destinations like Varadero and Holguin, while Mexico provides a wider range of all-inclusive experiences in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Puerto Vallarta.

What items are hard to get in Cuba?

Pharmacies are almost empty and medication is hard to come by. These days, a growing black market on the internet is one of the few places where Cubans can find commodities such as antibiotics, soap or toilet paper. Cuba is certainly no stranger to food shortages and a lack of access to basic items.