How much does it cost to visit the Pyramids of Giza?

How much does it cost to visit the Pyramids of Giza? Depending on the kind of guided tour you purchase and the kind of added experiences you choose, your visit to the Pyramids of Giza can range from $34 to $50 to $70. A half-day guided tour of the Pyramids and the Sphinx costs around $34 while a guided tour of the Egyptian Museum, pyramids, and bazaars costs around $51.

What is the best currency to take to Egypt?

The best currency to take to Egypt is the local currency, the Egyptian pound. US dollars are also highly exchangeable at local banks and currency exchange offices.

How long does it take to see the Giza Pyramids?

- How long you'll need at the Pyramids: Plan for at least 4–5 hours to leisurely explore the Giza Complex. If you purchase tickets to enter the different pyramids and visit the cemeteries and tombs as well, you can easily spend 7+ hours there.

Can you go to pyramids without tour?

If you're looking for a quieter, self-led experience, it is completely possible to visit the Pyramids independently. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about planning your visit there without booking a tour.

What is the dress code for the pyramids?

Tourists are not required to follow any particular dress code to visit the pyramids in Egypt. Although many online sources say that female travellers should not wear short pants, many female tourists do, and nobody bats an eyelid. Both men and women are free to wear shorts to visit the pyramids.

What do you wear to the pyramids?

The best clothing to wear for visiting the pyramids in Egypt would be airy clothes like loose dresses or pants, a loose fitting shirt or blouse with long sleeves and comfortable shoes.

How far is the pyramid from Cairo?

The Pyramids of Giza sit about 11 miles southwest of downtown Cairo on the Giza Plateau and are open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Public transportation is not available within walking distance, so it's best to drive, hail a taxi or take a bus tour to the site.

How many days do you need in Egypt?

How many days do you need for Egypt? Seven days is usually an ideal amount of time to spend in Egypt to see places like Cairo, Aswan, Luxor and Alexandria and also sail down the Nile River. However, to see most major attractions of Egypt, 5 days should be enough too.

Why is Egypt so cheap?

Although it has long been a good value destination, a massive currency devaluation in recent months, coupled with prices becoming more competitive due to a reduction in Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian and American tourists, has turned Egypt into the bargain of the season — provided you avoid big international brands and ...

Do I need a visa for Egypt?

Passport and Visas: U.S. citizens must have a visa to enter Egypt. U.S. citizens can obtain a renewable single-entry 30-day tourist visa on arrival at Egyptian airports for a 25 USD fee. A multiple entry visa is also obtainable for 60 USD.

How much cash should I bring to Egypt?

The Egyptian Tourism Authority advises that travelers are not allowed to bring more than 5,000 EGP (approximately 320 USD) into the country in local currency. You can bring up to 10,000 USD or the equivalent in foreign currency and then swap it for Egyptian pounds at a currency exchange.

How much does it cost to visit the Sphinx?

Adult tickets are 80 Egyptian pounds ($9) per person, while student tickets cost 40 Egyptian pounds (less than $5) each. All tickets include entrance into the Great Sphinx's temples, as well as access to the adjacent pyramids.

Who slept under the Sphinx?

[Scholars put his reign at 1401–1391 B.C.] According to the stela, Thutmosis IV was strolling here one day, all alone. Around midday, he got very hot and decided to rest in the shadow of the Great Sphinx.

Can you touch the Sphinx?

The specially designated space around the Great Sphinx in Giza makes it impossible to get close to the monument and touch it, but you can still get close enough to have a good look at the Egyptian Sphinx nose, and take an effective photo.

How much do you tip in Egypt?

Tipping 10–15% of your bill total is customary at cafes and restaurants, and loose change is acceptable for food purchases from street vendors and markets. Often known as 'backsheesh' in parts of Asia and the Middle East, tipping is standard practice in Egypt.