How much is appropriate for a honeymoon fund?

How much is appropriate for a honeymoon fund? Consider the average wedding gift amount -- Honeyfund gifts average about $150. How well do you know the couple? Spend as much as $250+ for close friends or family, as little as $50 for coworkers or casual acquaintances.

What is the etiquette for honeymoon funds?

Couples should always aim to make guests feel that contributing towards a gift is entirely optional. One way to achieve this is by carefully presenting your honeymoon fund with a nice lead-in message on your wedding website and a similar, cut-down, message on your honeymoon fund registry.

Who usually pays for the honeymoon?

Traditionally, the groom's family paid for the honeymoon, but like every wedding, no two couples are alike — and neither are their families. The question of who pays for the honeymoon often depends on family relationships, traditions, and, of course, the couple's personal preference.