How much is it to enter Ocean beach Ibiza?

How much is it to enter Ocean beach Ibiza? How much does O Beach Ibiza cost? Tickets range from €10-30 depending on the event. Expect to pay €7 for a beer, €8 for a wine and €13 for a cocktail. Beds range from €300-€1000+ and often sell out peak-season or for popular events.

What do you wear to Ibiza beach Club?

If you're heading to a club, practically everyone will be wearing trainers – most likely with shorts and a vest or bikini top. If your plans involve daytime strolls in the sun in the quieter parts, expect to rely on linen dresses, cool co-ords and a straw bag to carry all the beach essentials.

Which beach is the clearest in Ibiza?

One of the most talked about beaches of Ibiza, as much for the atmosphere as for the scenery, Benirrás is a medium sized beach with rocky, grainy sand and almost unbelievably clear water. Cala Bassa boasts some of the clearest, cleanest water you'll ever see in the beaches in Ibiza and the softest golden sand.

What is Ocean Beach Ibiza known for?

O Beach Ibiza
  • Are you an O Beach first-timer? ...
  • Famous for: Astonishing aerial shows, VIP beds, gorgeous bronzed bodies, fashion-statement swimwear.
  • Popular parties: Kisstory, Pool Party, House In Paradise.

Where is the nicest beach in Ibiza?

10 Best Beaches in Ibiza
  • Playa d'en Bossa.
  • Cala Xarraca.
  • Cala Tarida.
  • Cala Saladeta.
  • Talamanca.
  • Sa Caleta.
  • Ses Salines.
  • Benirras.

Can you go to Ibiza and not party?

In short, the five best areas to stay in are Portinax, Cala Llonga, Port de Sant Miguel, Sant Jose, and Cala d'Hort. Each is far removed from the Ibiza nightlife scene. All these areas suit a range of budgets and blend Bohemian feels with contemporary cuisine and secluded beaches.