How much is the exit fee for Bali?

How much is the exit fee for Bali? There is no longer any departure tax that needs to be paid, it is included in your airline ticket. There are plenty of restaurants and shops to fill your time while you wait for your flights. Lots of restaurants have spots to charge your phone and computers also. There is free Wi-Fi at the airport also.

How much cash do I need to carry in Bali?

I suggest for 10 days in Bali that you bring about $250-$500 USD cash per person. This will be more than enough to cover your day-to-day cash expenses on a small to medium budget. Now let's talk about some of the costs that you can expect on your Bali trip.

How long can you stay in Bali without a visa?

60 days in total), while you are in Indonesia. You would have to leave the country and come pack. If you want to stay longer than 60 days, you have to get a B211A OFFSHORE Visit Visa (60days) before your arrival first, which is valid for 60 days.

Is Bali cash only?

Credit Cards and Debit Cards Are Accepted Almost Everywhere. Credit and Debit cards are widely accepted in Bali. You can pay with a credit card at hotels, spas, restaurants and stores. In many foreign destinations, cash is absolutely necessary but in Bali you won't need to keep that much on hand.

Do I need to pay to leave Bali airport?

For most airlines, you can get online and buy extra baggage much cheaper than paying for it at the airport. There is no longer any departure tax that needs to be paid, it is included in your airline ticket. There are plenty of restaurants and shops to fill your time while you wait for your flights.

Is there a arrival tax in Bali?

Bali will implement a $10 fee for foreign tourists entering the island from abroad or other parts of Indonesia. The fee will commence from 2024.

Is Bali tax free for foreigners?

Currently, the best bet for digital nomads is to apply for the country's B211a tourist visa, which allows holders to live and work remotely in the country for up to 180 days, income tax-free.

How much is Bali visa in USD?

Length of stay and types of Visa:
If your stay is 30-days or less, please obtain a Tourist Visa upon your arrival into Bali, Indonesia. The cost is USD$35 which can be paid in cash or by credit card upon your entry into Denpasar's International Airport.

How much money is needed in Bali per day?

If you have a smaller budget then you can easily get by with about $10 per day-if you just plan on hanging at the beach and eating local food. If you're looking to eat at the higher-end restaurants explore the island and enjoy all of its many attractions, then you'll need a bit more, like $25 to $50 per day.