How much is the water taxi from Venice to Murano?

How much is the water taxi from Venice to Murano? There are set fares for the water taxis in Venice and the rest of the lagoon. For a water taxi to Murano, you can expect to pay a minimum fare of 60 euros leaving from Piazzale Roma or the railway station. The price is for up to 4 people, and you pay an extra 10 euros for any additional passenger.

How to arrange a water taxi in Venice?

To use a water taxi, you can purchase a voucher from the water taxi transport desk in the arrivals hall at the airport. Then, walk down to the dock and present the voucher at the taxi desk. Otherwise, you can contact our Italy Travel Experts and we'll book one for you in advance!

Do you tip taxis in Venice?

When it comes to tipping taxi drivers in Italy, it's pretty simple. Most locals simply round up, so if your fare comes to 18 euro, and you leave your taxi driver with 20 euro ? that gesture would be very appreciated.

What is the cheapest way to get from Venice to Murano?

The cheapest way to get from Venice to Murano is by water bus. The water bus service is provided by the company ACTV. The efficient and frequent water buses (called vaporetto) connect Venice to the 'Glass Island' every single hour.

What time is the last water taxi Venice?

Hours of Operation: Main routes operate from 5 a.m. to midnight, and three nighttime routes run from 11:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. on the Grand Canal between Piazzale Roma and the Lido.

Do taxis in Venice take credit cards?

All our Taxi are equipedd with the POS (Checkout) system for rapid and secure electronic payment with all the majors credit cards.

Should I bring cash to Venice?

By law, every business in Italy must be able to take cards. In practice about 95% of them do. You hardly need any cash at all. You can use your credit or debit card wherever there is a PoS (point of sale) machine.

Do you need cash for water taxi in Venice?

For transfers at night (from 22:00 to 07:00), a surcharge of €10.00 will be charged. For 5 persons, a surcharge of € 10.00 per person also applies. Tip: It is wise to bring cash for water and land taxis, as many taxis in Italy still do not accept debit or credit cards.