How much money do I need for 7 days in Malta?

How much money do I need for 7 days in Malta? Budget-Friendly Travel Planning Past travelers have spent, on average, €44 ($47) on meals for one day and €23 ($24) on local transportation. Also, the average hotel price in Malta for a couple is €235 ($248). So, a trip to Malta for two people for one week costs on average €4,492 ($4,748).

Can you drink tap water in Malta?

According to all the EU and WHO guidelines the tap water in Malta is safe to drink.

What is the best time to visit Malta?

When is the best time to visit? Aim for the shoulder months of May, June and September when it's not too hot or busy. Winters are mild and will come with a smaller price tag, while summer in Malta tends to be hot, dry and filled with festival goers.

Is 7 days too much in Malta?

Malta is a great place to visit for a week. It's small enough to get around easily, but there are plenty of things to do in Malta for a week so you'll never get bored! If a week is slightly too long, or you're including the 48 hours of travelling, then check out this post on only spending 5 days in Malta.