How much time should I allow for Pompeii?

How much time should I allow for Pompeii? Though you could spend an entire day touring the site, the average time needed once inside is about two to three hours. Like most Roman-built cities, Pompeii is well organized with a clear street plan, but the modern-day signposts are often wrong.

What should I wear to Pompeii?

You will be happy to know that there is no particular dress code for Pompeii but ? like most walkable landmarks ? we recommend wearing comfortable shoes and clothing, as you don't want to find your feet getting sore after just a half hour of touring the site!

Should I buy Pompeii tickets in advance?

We recommend purchasing tickets in advance to speed up entry to the Archaeological Park. Those who buy in advance will receive their ticket in PDF format, that can be printed out or shown on their smart phone, and they can go directly to the turnstiles at the entrance to the Archaeological Park.

Are there toilets in Pompeii?

There are 4 accessible toilets at Pompeii, Porta Marina Inferiore, Piazza Anfiteatro, Porta Marina Superiore, and the Villa Imperiale.

Can you bring water bottles into Pompeii?

Bring a water bottle, hat, and sunscreen There's no shade in Pompeii; you'll be in the sun for hours. Make sure to bring a water bottle (there are places you can fill it up again). Wear a good sun hat, or bring an umbrella to beat the sun. And take the time to lather up with sunscreen a few times during the day.

Should I visit Pompeii or Amalfi Coast?

The Amalfi Coast is beloved for its gorgeous coastline, opulent architecture, world class seafood and awesome nightlife, whilst the more somber Pompeii is any ancient history lover's dream visit, with the ruins of a Roman city buried under ash and pumice spewed from the top of the raging Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.

Is 3 hours enough time in Pompeii?

However, if you fancy yourself as a true history buff, and want to take your time exploring these incredible ruins, then you might want to allow yourself four to six hours.

Are Pompeii ruins worth it?

If you're in Naples or on the Amalfi Coast, Pompeii is a must-visit attraction that no one should miss. This massive archeological site is the best way to glimpse the daily life of ancient Romans. We highly recommend taking a Pompeii tour to fully appreciate the history here.

Is it better to visit Pompeii in the morning or afternoon?

A. The best time to visit Pompeii is in the morning hours to avoid crowds.

What is the best book to read before visiting Pompeii?

For both adult and child visitors, Peter Connolly's Pompeii provides beautiful illustrations that reconstruct the housing, art, and technology of the ancient city. My favorite introduction to the history of the city is Salvatore Nappo's Pompeii: A guide to the ancient city which is only available from Barnes and Noble.

Are backpacks allowed in Pompeii?

Large backpacks, umbrellas, luggage or bags (cm 30x30x15) and other bulky items are not allowed and must be left at the cloakroom (the service is free of charge). 14. Do not to speak out loudly, run or disturb the other visitors in any way.

How much walking do you do in Pompeii?

You can go back in time by walking through the preserved streets of the city – by far the best way to view Pompeii. Though you could spend an entire day touring the site, the average time needed once inside is about two to three hours.

How long does it take to climb Mount Vesuvius?

The hike takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete, and the summit offers panoramic views of the Bay of Naples and the surrounding area. How long does it take to hike up Mount Vesuvius? The hike up to Mount Vesuvius takes around 30-40 minutes, depending on your pace and fitness level.

Can you wear shorts at Pompeii?

In terms of clothes that are good for Pompeii, lightweight cotton is key during the warmer months. The ruins are a bit gritty so wear something that is easy to wash in case the outfit gets dusty from wandering around. Since you are not visiting a religious site, you can absolutely wear shorts and a tank top.

Are skip the line tickets worth it Pompeii?

If you buy a skip the line ticket, you will skip the long lines and get entrance into Pompeii. If you want to avoid the long lines, we recommend spending the extra money and buying skip the line ticket. This means you will have more time to explore Pompeii and not waste time standing in line for ages.

Is 2 hours enough at Pompeii?

You can see all of Pompeii's main attractions in around two to three hours, taking in the preserved ruins that once made this town such a thriving place.

Can you do Pompeii without a tour?

Short answer: no, you don't. You can easily explore Pompeii on your own with the maps provided at the ticket office and with your phone. And there are plenty of signs around the site that tell you about the city. Plus, when you see a group following a tour guide, you realise you really don't want to be part of that.