How much would a Titanic ticket be?

How much would a Titanic ticket be? It would cost $133,132 to travel in a first-class suite on the Titanic. First-class berths would cost $4,591, second-class would be $1,834, and third-class accommodations $1,071. A calculated estimation of the Titanic concludes that the total number of first-class travelers was 324.

Is exploring the Titanic illegal?

“No person shall conduct any research, exploration, salvage, or other activity that would physically alter or disturb the wreck or wreck site of the RMS Titanic unless authorized by the Secretary of Commerce per the provisions of the Agreement Concerning the Shipwrecked Vessel RMS Titanic.

How much is a ticket to see the Titanic?

How Much Does It Cost Per Person? If you want to explore the Titanic firsthand, planning ahead is key. You need to apply to be a Mission Specialist, OceanGate's term for someone who is part of the submersible team. You'll also have to pay $125,000 for the entire journey.

Was food on the Titanic free?

Food eaten by first-class passengers on the Titanic Even though breakfast, lunch, and dinner were included in the price of a first-class ticket, meals taken at these restaurants were not included in the price and had to be paid for out of pocket.

Will there be a Titanic 2 ship?

Going to be launched in 2022, the current project of Titanic II is under the renowned Australian businessman and politician Clive Palmer.