How old are the petroglyphs in Wadi Rum?

How old are the petroglyphs in Wadi Rum? The combination of 25,000 petroglyphs with 20,000 inscriptions and their continuity over a period of at least 12,000 years sets Wadi Rum apart from other rock art and/or inscription sites. The petroglyphs, representing humans and animals, are engraved on boulders, stones, and cliff faces.

Are there mosquitoes in Wadi Rum?

Although there's no malaria in Petra and Wadi Rum there are mosquitoes so spray and cover up accordingly, especially after dark, to avoid becoming a midnight snack.

Was Wadi Rum once a sea?

Wadi Rum, also known as Valley of the Moon, is a desert the size of 720km squared, cut into sandstone and granite rock. Many years ago, the sea formed the strange shapes you see in the sandstone. The highest peak in Wadi Rum is Jabal Um ad Adami (1,840m), which lies close to the Saudia Arabian border.

Why is the sand red in Wadi Rum?

This concentration of iron oxide causes a red colouration and is one notable aspect of Wadi Rum. Across southern Jordan, places get their names from the ochre hues in the sand, including the Nabatean city of Petra.

Why is Wadi Rum protected?

1997: The Wadi Rum Protected Area of 54,000 ha was set up under the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) as a Special Regulations Area to conserve the landscape and its associated cultural values in perpetuity; 2001: Regulation No.

Is camping in Wadi Rum safe?

Wadi Rum is considered a safe place to visit. The local Bedouin community is friendly and welcoming to tourists, and crime is low in the area. However, as with any location, it's always a good idea to take standard safety precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

Can you drink alcohol in Wadi Rum?

Alcohol is legal, but heavily taxed For example, it's illegal to sell alcohol anywhere in the country during Ramadan (with the exception of some high-end hotels), and most camps in Wadi Rum don't serve alcohol at all (but you can often bring your own).

Why is Wadi Rum so cheap?

Part of the reason that camping in Wadi Rum is so affordable during the initial booking process is that the guides running the camps make a good chunk of their money selling Jeep tours and camel rides. This is simply part of the process, and nothing to be worried about at all–but it helps to know what to expect.