How prevalent is pickpocketing in Italy?

How prevalent is pickpocketing in Italy? This equates to 463 pickpocketing mentions for every million visitors to Italy's top tourist attractions - the highest proportion of any European country. France has the second-highest number of pickpocketing mentions at 283 per million visitors.

Can pickpockets steal from front pockets?

Tips if you have pockets A pickpocket generally avoids front trouser pockets, and especially buttoned or zippered pockets. If you have to carry your wallet in an unbuttoned jacket, coat or pants pocket, be sure it holds only what you can afford to lose.

How to spot pickpockets in Italy?

These distraction tactics are varied but should be easy to spot: fake altercations to create chaos, spilling a drink or ice cream on you, sudden bumping or tripping, holding a sign or piece of paper while asking for assistance or even holding a pizza box up to your face.

Why does Italy have so many pickpockets?

While Italy is a ridiculously beautiful and historic country, pickpocketing is certainly an issue. Any destination that experiences a large influx of tourists will attract petty thieves, and Italy welcomed 74.7 million tourists in 2022.

How do you avoid pickpockets in Italy?

Be Vigilant in Crowded Places Crowded attractions, public transport, markets, and festivals are pickpockets' paradises. Be extra careful in such high-traffic locations. Keep your belongings in your sight at all times and avoid any physical contact with strangers.

Do pickpockets target tourists?

Your clothes are a dead giveaway. The stereotype is true: American tourists stick out like a sore thumb when they travel, making them prime targets for pickpockets. Instead of throwing on a T-shirt to rep your alma mater, try to dress like the locals.

Do you tip in Italy?

If you ask locals “Do you tip in Italy?”, they'll explain that while they sometimes leave a small tip, it's generally not necessary. In Italy, gratuity (or una mancia, pronounced oo-nah MAN-chah) is considered a bonus for exceptional service. And it's not often that you'll find a tip jar at a register.