Is DC or NYC safer?

Is DC or NYC safer? The NYC crime rate is 9% below the national average. By comparison, the Washington DC crime rate is 87% higher than the national average with 147% more violent crime. The Economist's Safe Cities Index (2021) ranked New York #11, the safest city in America, while Washington DC came in two spots lower.

How safe is Times Square?

Times Square is a lively and fairly busy area both day and night. It is also a magnet for pickpockets and other petty thieves who blend into the crowded streets. Always be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables tucked away and out of reach. Check out our posts ranking the 70 hotels in Times Square.

Is walking around DC safe?

There is a reliable Washington DC police presence, especially around the main tourist areas, and violent crimes are generally very low. As a solo traveler, you'll just need to do your research to avoid dangerous areas and take extra caution when making your way through the city after dark.