Is Edinburgh or Glasgow cheaper?

Is Edinburgh or Glasgow cheaper? Property prices in Edinburgh are around 30% higher than those in Glasgow, so if you're on a budget, Glasgow is the definite winner. If we put property prices aside, the cost of living in both cities is relatively similar, with Glasgow still being a little cheaper than Scotland's capital, Edinburgh.

Which city is more expensive Edinburgh or Glasgow?

Property prices in Edinburgh are around 30% higher than those in Glasgow, so if you're on a budget, Glasgow is the definite winner. If we put property prices aside, the cost of living in both cities is relatively similar, with Glasgow still being a little cheaper than Scotland's capital, Edinburgh.

Is Edinburgh flat or hilly?

Walking around is the perfect way to really see a city. Just a little helpful hint: most of Edinburgh's streets are hilly and made of old cobblestone.

Is Glasgow or Edinburgh friendlier?

Scotland has done extremely well in the Index overall this year, with Edinburgh coming in first place and Glasgow in fourth. Seems like it's the place to be right now – so if you live there currently, congratulations! And if you don't, it may well be time to plan a visit.

Is Edinburgh the prettiest city in the world?

Edinburgh has been named among the '25 Most Beautiful Cities in the World' by a renowned US travel magazine. New York-based Travel + Leisure, which has nearly five million monthly readers, included Scotland's capital in its 'by-no-means exhaustive list' of the world's most beautiful cities.

Is Edinburgh a cheap city?

Edinburgh is an expensive city by UK standards but not when we compare it to the capital London. Average rents for a 1 bedroom apartment stand at around $810pcm. For a large 3 bedroom apartment expect to pay around $1,240 a month. If you decide to live outside of the city center prices are much more reasonable.

Is food expensive in Scotland?

Cost of groceries in Scotland Scotland generally has a lower cost-of-living index than most places in the UK, and this is reflected in the cost of food. Of the locations we surveyed, Glasgow has the most affordable grocery rates, and some average prices for commonly bought items are: Milk (1L): £0.98. Bread loaf: £1.05.

Do you tip in Scotland?

There are no hard and fast rules for tipping in Scotland. If you are happy with the service, a 10-15% tip is customary, particularly in a restaurant or café with table service. A tip is not necessary if a service charge has been added to the bill by the establishment.

How many days do you need in Edinburgh?

How long should you spend in Edinburgh? Two days in Edinburgh is the ideal amount of time to see the main city highlights. If you want a more relaxed visit, that includes a few museums or specialty tours, then I would recommend at least three days or more.