Is English spoken in Costa Rica?

Is English spoken in Costa Rica? Spanish is the official language of Costa Rica: it's also the most widely spoken language throughout the country. Other languages spoken are English, Creole, and some Indian languages. All official business and major newspapers are in Spanish, whereas English is widely used in areas frequented by tourists.

What drink is Costa Rica known for?

Costa Rica's known for guaro, the nation's most popular liquor, made from sugar cane. Guaro is a clear liquor with a neutral flavor similar to vodka, and you'll see the famous brand of Cacique Guaro sold across the country.

Are Costa Ricans friendly to tourists?

They will give you food, make sure that you are ok, and make conversation. Even when there's a language barrier, they make a way to work out conversation with charades until they feel that you are comfortable. Also, it's easy to see how many Costa Rican people are very inclusive in interactions with tourists.

What is the national drink of Costa Rica?

Guaro Sour. You may have heard of this one as it's considered by many to be the national drink of Costa Rica. Start with Cacique Guaro (as many Costa Rican cocktails do), a clear sugarcane liquor. Add club soda, lime juice, and a dash of sugar over ice, and it doesn't get more refreshing than this.

Why is Costa Rica so attractive?

Costa Rica is renowned for its stunning biodiversity, vast protected spaces and warm weather. It's home to dense jungles, active volcanoes, rushing rivers, spectacular waterfalls and vibrant cities. In a single day, it's possible to drive from Serengeti-like plains to lowland swamps to frigid mountains.

How do Costa Ricans say hello?

Hola = Hello. This is the basic way to say hello. Buenas = Shorthand way of saying hello, any time of day. It is more casual and works in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Does Costa Rica like the US?

Costa Rica and The United States have maintained formal diplomatic relations since 1851. The United States is Costa Rica's most important trading partner. The two countries share growing concerns for the environment and want to preserve Costa Rica's tropical resources and prevent environmental degradation.

Are there alot of mosquitoes in Costa Rica?

Are there many mosquitoes (zancudos) in Costa Rica? Costa Rica is near the equator which means that some destinations have mosquitoes (also known as zancudos in Spanish) throughout most of the year. It is likely that you encounter them on the coasts, especially in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica.

What is the typical dinner in Costa Rica?

There is no typical meal for dinner, but another typical main dish in Costa Rica is arroz con pollo (rice with chicken) which can be served with different vegetables from the area like camote, chayote and yuca. Seafood is also common thanks to the country's proximity to both the Pacific and Caribbean.

Is Costa Rica cheaper than us?

Cost of Living Comparison The average cost of living in Costa Rica is around 30% lower than in the United States. This means that you'll be able to stretch your budget much further in Costa Rica than in the U.S. and enjoy a higher quality of life for a much lower cost.

Can you live in Costa Rica without speaking Spanish?

The official language of Costa Rica is Spanish. Expats shouldn't have trouble finding English speakers though – especially in towns that are popular with tourists. Though many Costa Ricans speak some degree of English, it's still a good idea to learn basic Spanish before moving to Costa Rica.

Can you drink the water in Costa Rica?

Tap water in Costa Rica is generally clean and safe to drink. In some areas of the country, though, mainly on the Caribbean side and in non-touristy pockets around the country, it's best to stick to bottled water.