Is it better to holiday at Cairns or Port Douglas?

Is it better to holiday at Cairns or Port Douglas? If you're after a city vibe, with a mix of beaches, shopping, nightlife, and a plethora of activities, Cairns is your pick. On the other hand, if you're seeking a laid-back, luxury, beachy vacation, with closer access to the Daintree Rainforest, Port Douglas is the go-to.

How long is the boat ride from Cairns to Great Barrier Reef?

Reaching the Barrier Reef from Cairns and Port Douglas only takes from 35 minutes to one and a half hours depending on your boat type and the location you are going to snorkel and scuba dive, whereas from everywhere else on the east coast of Australia it takes two and half to three hours to reach the snorkelling and ...

Where is the best place to see the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres.

How many days in Cairns is enough?

Honestly, a lifetime is not enough to explore and enjoy all the amazing natural wonders of Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef. But if you can't spend your life on holiday, we recommend at least three days in Cairns to discover the main attractions. If you have more time, great!

Is Cairns a good holiday destination?

Cairns is an ideal holiday destination; it is the gateway to both the Great Barrier Reef and the oldest living rainforest. Cairns (pronounced “cans”) has a tropical climate and is home to copious amounts of wildlife, tropical birds and iridescent butterflies.

Can you swim in the ocean in Port Douglas?

Many visitors to Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas ask Can you swim all year round at Four Mile Beach? The simple answer is Yes.

When not to visit the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is also prone to thunderstorms and the occasional cyclone. If you want reliably good underwater visibility, summer might not be the best time as rain and storms can cause the water to become murky. It's not all bad though.

Why is Port Douglas so popular?

Port Douglas is famous for being so close to some of the top attractions in Australia, from the Great Barrier Reef to the oldest rainforest in the world, Daintree Rainforest. You also have the Four Mile Beach which is almost like a tropical island.

What not to do at the Great Barrier Reef?

Take care when diving and snorkelling Be aware of where your fins are and avoid touching anything with them. Don't rest or stand on coral. If you must stand up, make sure it is on sand or use rest stations. Observe animals rather than handling them directly, and avoid blocking the path of free swimming animals.