Is it illegal to park in front of a driveway in Ohio?

Is it illegal to park in front of a driveway in Ohio? The Ohio Revised Code (ORC) establishes standard laws on parking restrictions. Generally, vehicles cannot be parked in front of private driveways, within intersections, on sidewalks and crosswalks, on expressways and freeways, in front of fire hydrants, or near traffic lights and stop signs.

Is it illegal to park in front of a mailbox in Ohio?

Ohio law does not prohibit vehicles from blocking mailboxes, leaving local jurisdictions to decide the issue, he told city council earlier.

Can you get a ticket for blocking your own driveway in NYC?

Did You Know? According to the information and statistics gathered by ParkingTickets.Org, “It is always illegal to block or park in front of a public or private driveway in NYC. Parking in front of a driveway will land you a $95 parking ticket.