Is it rude to eat on a train?

Is it rude to eat on a train? It depends on what you're eating. Discrete, low key snacking is fine as long as you clean up after yourself and leave no trace that your food was ever there. But eating something messy and smelly is probably a bit much. No not rude at all, but be aware of your travel companions and if your food smells bad to them.

What is the Interrail overnight rule?

If you're travelling on a night train that arrives at your destination after midnight, your journey will show on the ticket of the travel day of your departure. This is the ticket you need to show to the ticket inspector, even if it's past midnight.

Can you eat on trains in Europe?

While you can bring your own food and drink (alcohol included) onto most trains, many offer some type of food and beverage either for purchase or included in your ticket price. For example, UK's LNER trains serve sandwiches, snacks, coffee, juice, and more.

Can you sleep on the Eurail?

Save precious travel time by moving from one destination to the next while you sleep. Most European night trains are included in the Eurail passes. You'll just need to reserve and pay for your preferred sleeping accommodation type in addition to your pass. Don't forget about your seat reservations!

Is it okay to sleep on the train?

If you're going on a long train journey, you may want to choose a sleeper car option so you'll have more privacy and will arrive more refreshed at your destination. For shorter journeys, make sure to stay aware of your surroundings. If you don't feel safe falling asleep, then don't attempt it.

Is it rude to call on a train?

It's not rude. But no one wants to hear your conversation so if it's going to be loud then defer it. I think a quick and quiet 'Hi, sorry I'm on the train at the moment, I'll give you a call back' is perfectly acceptable. All phone calls are acceptable, just don't tell the whole carriage.

What is the 7pm rule?

Here's how the 7pm rule works If your overnight train is leaving after 7pm then you can put in the following day's date on your rail pass and use one rather than two days of travel for the overnight trip. Simple!

Do they check train tickets in France?

You must validate (composter) all French train tickets before you board a train unless you have printed your ticket off at home or downloaded it on your mobile phone. Tickets that are bought or exchanged at a station self-service machine in the hour before you travel may be validated automatically, according to SNCF.

Is it rude to talk on the bus?

If you're on public transit and have to take an important call that can't wait, keep it short and as quiet as you can. Don't get overly personal in your conversation either—no one needs to hear you describe symptoms to your doctor or tear your significant other a new one on their morning commute.

Can you bring food on a train in France?

Most TGV trains have a bar car serving snacks, sandwiches, coffee and beer and wine. TER trains do not have a bar car. You can bring any food and drink on to the train with you, and many people do this.