Is it safe to fly to Masai Mara?

Is it safe to fly to Masai Mara? For many tourists planning to visit Masai Mara, personal security is most important, as evidenced by one of the most frequently asked being ''is Masai Mara a safe place to visit ?'' Masai Mara is a very safe destination to visit.

Is it safe to travel to Masai Mara now?

It is not a blanket ban and the majority of Kenya is safe to visit. In fact, thousands of American tourists visit Kenya's incredible wildlife areas like the Masai Mara, Samburu, Amboseli and Laikipia every year without incident.

Is it safe for a woman to travel to Kenya alone?

Travel Tips for Solo Safari in Kenya There are no risks specific to solo travel in Kenya. Still, single women, in particular, should apply the usual common-sense precautions such as not walking alone at night in cities, particularly Nairobi, and avoiding deserted beaches.

Is Kenya or South Africa safer?

Both Kenya and South Africa are safe, popular places to enjoy a safari, especially when your safari is organized by a reputable travel operator who will arrange your transportation to and from the airport.

Do you need anti malaria tablets for Masai Mara?

Please contact your doctor or travel clinic before coming to Kenya. There is malaria in the Masai Mara and antimalarials are highly recommended. Using mosquito repellent containing DEET and covering up at dusk is also advisable to minimize the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.

Is the Masai Mara malaria free?

Due to the high elevation of Masai Mara and Nairobi, Malaria is very rare in these regions since mosquitoes do not live at those elevations. However, Malaria is prevalent in other regions of Kenya, so it is strongly recommended that you speak with your physician about taking Malaria prophylaxis before traveling.

How common is malaria in Masai Mara?

Due to the high elevation of Masai Mara and Nairobi, Malaria is very rare in these regions since mosquitoes do not live at those elevations. However, Malaria is prevalent in other regions of Kenya, so it is strongly recommended that you speak with your physician about taking Malaria prophylaxis before traveling.

Can I wear shorts in Masai Mara?

In general clothes to carry for safari in Masai Mara national reserve include pair of socks, long sleeved shirts, shorts, trousers, chinos and many more.

Are safari trips in Kenya safe?

Is Kenya safe to visit? Well, we would never send our clients to places we wouldn't visit ourselves with our own families. Kenya's superb safari destinations are safe to visit and its warm, hospitable people will make your trip a memorable one.

Can you go to Kenya without yellow fever vaccine?

Yellow fever vaccination certificate required for travellers aged 1 year or over arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.

Why is Masai Mara so expensive?

Prices tend to be higher during the Peak season which is normally when the Great wildebeest migration happens as this attracts large numbers of visitors to Masai Mara making it more expensive to secure rooms due to the high demand. The Peak season runs from July to October.

What are the negatives of tourism in Masai Mara?

With nearly 200,000 visitors a year, vehicle pollution and erosion can be a problem. Another problem is created when tourists take pictures of the Masai without their permission, which invades their privacy and possibly annoys them. Few tourists stay with the tribe, so the Masai earn very little money from tourism.