Is it weird to go away on your own?

Is it weird to go away on your own? Put your mind at rest ? travelling alone is not weird. Solo travel is more popular than ever amongst people of all ages and genders with 15% of travellers choosing to travel unaccompanied. Nowadays, travelling alone is very much normal!

Is solo travel pathetic?

In the end, it all depends on what you prefer. If you want to take a relaxing trip and unwind, a 2 week solo vacation can be a great way to discover new places and see the world! On the other hand, if you want to travel with others and experience things together, then doing it solo may not be the best option for you.

Can an introvert travel alone?

Done right, solo travel can be the perfect thing for introverts. The seclusion ensures you avoid social fatigue, and you can recharge in your own company. The need to occasionally socialize ensures you step out of your comfort zone of being reserved and also gives you a chance to make new friends.

Is solo travel awkward?

Sure, there are awkward moments when traveling alone, but awkward moments are inevitable when traveling—whether you're solo or not. There are many more moments of excitement and connection if you're open to the experience.

Is it boring to travel alone?

Although traveling alone has many benefits, some solo travelers find themselves getting lonely or bored when they're on the road without a companion—especially if you're traveling longer-term as a digital nomad, remote worker, or expat.