Is it worth going all the way to Key West?

Is it worth going all the way to Key West? Key West is absolutely worth the hype, as evidenced by looking at the sheer number of visitors and return-visitors that come each year. There are so many experiences that can only be had on this beautiful gem of an island, and it's worth visiting to see for yourself.

Are the beaches swimmable in Key West?

Boasting temperate waters and more than 3,400 hours of annual sunshine, the beaches of Key West are some of the most popular destinations on this tropical island paradise. You can enjoy the sun, sand and warm water as well as a variety of activities like swimming, snorkeling and fishing.

Can I wear jeans in Key West?

Pack a light fleece jacket, hoodie, or comfy cardigan for evening dockside drinking. Jeans, leggings, joggers, or lightweight active pants are also practical. They can be easily cuffed during the day and let down when the night chills begin.

What month is good to go to Key West?

The high season stretches from December through April. December through February are the “coolest” months of the year, all things being relative, with average highs in the mid-seventies. Many consider March and April with their pleasant mid-eighties temperatures to be the best time to go to Key West.

Is Key West fun for non drinkers?

Lots of people don't drink for different reasons and they do just fine going out. Key West has the whole outdoors to hang out in, lots of arts stuff, a great music scene. Just taking a walk in Old Town can make for a great afternoon.

What months to avoid in the Florida Keys?

Florida summers are generally very hot and humid with daily highs often reaching the mid-30s (90+°F). The wet season is from June to November. It's particularly hot and muggy down south from mid-August to mid-October, and there's also a risk of hurricanes. The dry season is from December to May.

Is Key West worth the hype?

Key West is a great destination filled with culture, natural beauty, and unique experiences. Whether it's relaxing on a beach or exploring historical landmarks such as Fort Zachary Taylor, you will never get bored in Key West.

How many days do you need in Key West?

How many days do you need to visit Key West? 2 to 3 days are enough for Key West. With an extra day in the city you can either visit one of the national or state parks on a day tour. Or pick more water sports.

What is so special about Key West?

Key West, the southernmost point in the United States, is famous for watersports, lively nightlife, beaches, historic sites and its pastel, conch-style architechture.

What is the cheapest month to go to Key West?

Visit Key West in the off-season The fall (September–November) is the low season in Key West, and room rates can drop by 50 percent or more. The hot, storm-prone summer months also see lower prices, and you'll find decent discounts in April and May after the winter crowds thin out.

When not to visit Key West?

August is the hottest month in Key West, with average temperatures ranging from an average high of 91 to a low of 81 degrees. The humidity is also quite high, with plenty of rainfall. For those sensitivy to humidity and weary of rain, August is probably the worst time to visit Key West.