Is it worth going to Luxor Egypt?

Is it worth going to Luxor Egypt? Why a visit to Luxor is a must. Situated in the Nile Valley in Upper Egypt, Luxor is an essential component of any Egyptian itinerary. Known as 'the world's largest open-air museum', it harbours many of the country's most astonishing monuments and is the starting point of the majority of river cruises.

Is there a train from Cairo to Luxor?

One or two comfortable sleeper trains link Cairo & Giza with Luxor & Aswan in each direction, with air-conditioned sleeping-cars and a lounge car, see the photos below.

Is it safe to walk around Luxor Egypt?

Luxor is generally considered safe for solo female travelers. However, walking alone at night may not be advisable for women due to cultural concerns and occasional overzealous attention from men. As you travel, confidence and awareness are keys to staying safe.

Can you visit Luxor without a tour?

Unless you go with a tour group, visiting Luxor independently can be quite overwhelming. The list of archaeological sites and things to do in Luxor is so big that visiting every single temple and tomb would take several days, and loads of money as well!

Is it OK to wear shorts in Luxor?

In the touristy areas of Luxor and Aswan, you don't have to dress as modestly as you might in the more local parts of these cities. For example, while visiting Philae Temple in Aswan you might wear a sleeveless shirt and a pair of shorts.