Is Loch Lomond a sea loch?

Is Loch Lomond a sea loch? As Loch Lomond is a freshwater loch and not a saltwater loch, it is not tidal. This means that there are many activities that can safely take place on or in it; from open water swimming to canoeing and boating, there is something for everyone.

Are there any sea lochs in Scotland?

Deep sea habitats close to shore. The dramatic glaciated scenery of the west coast of Scotland continues underwater in the sea lochs, forming a special home for marine life. Deep basins, scoured out by glaciers during the last ice ages, are protected from the waves of the open sea by tidal narrows and shallow sills.

Is it safe to swim in Loch Lomond?

Loch Lomond is a popular spot for water activities, such as boating and sailing, swimming, canoeing, water skiing and board sports. It's vitally important to stay safe when out on the open water, to avoid the risk of injury or drowning.

Why is Loch Lomond so special?

Its Unique Form Splitting the Scottish Highland Boundary Fault Line, Loch Lomond acts as a gateway from the Lowlands to the Highlands. Loch Lomond's shape and breadth was carved by glaciers during the final stages of the ice age.