Is the sun stronger in the Caribbean?

Is the sun stronger in the Caribbean? The sun's rays are also more intense the closer you get to the equator, so those traveling south to visit places like Hawaii, the Caribbean or Indonesia may encounter much stronger UV rays than they're used to back home, leading to more rapid sun damage.

What is the sunniest city in Europe?

Located on Spain's southeast coast, Alicante has the highest number of sunny hours in Europe. With an average of 349 hours of sunshine per month (an average month has 730 hours in total, including nighttimes), it's a dream destination for sun lovers. Roughly half of the day, every day, is sunny in Alicante.

Is Greece one of the sunniest places in the world?

One of our favourite facts about Greece is that it's one of the world's sunniest countries, basking in more than 250 sunny days – or 3,000 hours of sunshine – each year. Some islands even see around 300 days of sunshine a year.