Is there a direct train from Dublin to Belfast?

Is there a direct train from Dublin to Belfast? Yes, there is a direct train from Dublin to Belfast. We usually find at least one direct train on the route from Dublin to Belfast every weekday. Trains usually run with a similar frequency on weekends.

Which side of train to sit on Dublin to Belfast?

Tip 2: On the Enterprise, find a seat on the left hand side going south to Dublin, right hand side going north to Belfast, for the sea views north of Dublin. Belfast Central was named after the Belfast Central Railway, not because of its location!

Can you do a day trip to Belfast from Dublin?

Explore Northern Ireland's biggest draws—Belfast, Giant's Causeway, and Dunluce Castle—on a day trip from Dublin. In a traditional black cab in Belfast, you'll explore sites of the capital's conflicted history: the mural-strewn streets of the Falls and Skankill neighborhoods and the Belfast Docks.

What is the most scenic train journey in Northern Ireland?

1. Derry to Coleraine – travelling Ireland's northern coast. Taking the prize as the most scenic train route through Ireland is the journey from Derry to Coleraine, described by travel writer Michael Palin as “one of the most beautiful rail journeys in the world”.

How long does it take on a coach from Dublin to Belfast?

Our fastest journey between Dublin City and Belfast is 2 hrs 20 minutes.

How much is a taxi from Dublin to Belfast?

FROM ONLY €230.00 Euros.

What is the name of the train station in Belfast from Dublin?

The Belfast–Dublin Main Line is a main and busiest railway route on the island of Ireland that connects Dublin Connolly station in the Republic of Ireland and Belfast Lanyon Place station in Northern Ireland.

Is the train ride from Dublin to Belfast Scenic?

The mind-boggling landscapes of Ireland and its neighboring country will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression while on a train ride from Dublin to Belfast. Providing not only scenic views but a rapid and comfortable journey as well, train travel is one of the best ways to conquer the distance.

Can you travel from Belfast to Dublin without a passport?

You will not need a passport to cross the border from the Republic of Ireland into Northern Ireland and vice versa. Further information is available from the British Embassy in your country of origin, call 0300 222 0000 or visit