Is there WIFI on Everest Base Camp?

Is there WIFI on Everest Base Camp? It is the only internet provider at the Everest Base Camp, located at a height of 5,380m (17,600 feet), making it the world's highest internet service. Before Everest Link was set up at the Base Camp, climbers solely relied on satellite phones for communication.

How much weight do you need to carry to Everest Base Camp?

The porters' weight limit for your main pack is 15kg (33lbs) once on the trek, but this shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't buy too much in Namche. A spare stuff-sack or bag is useful for leaving behind in Kathmandu with gear not needed on the trek. Your luggage allowance on the plane is usually 20kg (44lbs).

What is the cough at Everest Base Camp?

Altitude-related cough is a troublesome condition of uncertain aetiology that affects many visitors to high altitude. The traditionally held belief that it was due solely to the inspiration of cold, dry air was refuted by observations and experiments in long duration hypobaric chamber studies.

How many calories do you burn at Everest Base Camp?

On the Everest Base Camp Trek, it is important to have carbohydrate-rich food as you'll be walking for close to 6 hours a day and burning upwards of 2000 calories a day.

Can you drink alcohol on Everest Base Camp trek?

It is also important to eat well and get plenty of sleep during your trek to keep your body as healthy as possible – and therefore avoid AMS. We also recommend Bucketlisters to avoid drinking alcohol during their Everest Base Camp trek.

Do you lose weight doing Everest Base Camp?

Genuinely speaking, trekking up and down in high altitude for 8-9 hours per day in the Everest Base Camp Trails obviously lose around 5-6 kg weight in 12 days trek. But, how much weight you lose depends on the intake of food, water, and proper rest during the trek.

How many hours of walking is Everest Base Camp?

How Long Is The Everest Base Camp Trek? The standard Everest Base Camp Trek is a 130KM round trip which is divided into 12 days. Of those 12 days, it takes 8 days to get to Everest Base Camp and 4 days to get back. A 12-day EBC trek always includes time for acclimatization.

Is it hard to walk to base camp at Everest?

Trekking to Everest Base Camp is not going to be a walk in the park, but it's not a technical climb and if you're fit enough, mentally and physically, you're more than likely to be up to the challenge. This is a hard and tough trek at altitude and over at least 10 days.

Do you need sleeping bag for Everest Base Camp?

The Everest Base Camp Trek requires a warm enough sleeping bag. The temperature will be a bit different in various seasons, Spring and monsoon will be warmer than winter. But it doesn't mean you need a different trekking season. It will be best to use four seasonal sleeping bags while trekking at Everest Base Camp.

How cold does Everest Base Camp get?

Temperatures at Everest Base Camp The coldest temperatures of the year occur from the 15th of December onward until the end of January with temperatures at the summit averaging -37C (-35F) while those at Everest Base Camp average -17C (1.4F).

Why do hikers spend 2 weeks at Everest Base Camp?

Base Camp is located at 17,600 feet, well below the peak of Everest, which is 29,000 feet. Base Camp is where those planning to summit spend weeks acclimatizing and preparing for their journey. It is also the furthest you can go using only your legs, before other equipment like ropes and ice picks get involved.

How dirty is base camp Everest?

As per an estimate by National Geographic, each climber on Everest generates around eight kilograms of waste that includes abandoned food containers, tents, and empty oxygen tanks. This waste gets left behind across the icy landscape.

Are there showers on Everest?

Yes, they are. There are plenty of places where you can shower on the trek. The only issue with this is that sometimes the water isn't hot. All of the showers available on the Everest Base Camp trek are heated by solar power so if it's been a cloudy day or for a couple of days you're not going to get any hot water.

Is Everest Base Camp crowded?

Given its increased popularity in recent years, the Everest Base Camp trek route can be quite crowded during peak seasons. As many as 30,000 to 40,000 people trek to Everest Base Camp each year! During peak seasons, as many as 500 individuals can set out on the trek route each day.