Is tipping required in Tahiti?

Is tipping required in Tahiti? Tipping. Tipping is not customary in the Islands of Tahiti and therefore not expected. It is left at your discretion for exemplary service.

Is food in Tahiti expensive?

While meal prices in Tahiti can vary, the average cost of food in Tahiti is F5,740 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Tahiti should cost around F2,296 per person.

Do I need water shoes in French Polynesia?

Water shoes make walking on sand easier, and they're easy to swim in, too. Don't skip them.

What do you tip in French Polynesia?

Compared to the United States where tipping is always expected, regardless of the kind of service you receive, tipping is not required or expected in French Polynesia. It's similar to the culture in France and most places in Europe.

Can you drink tap water in French Polynesia?

Drinking water:
You can drink tap water in Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora and in all the international resorts. It is usually fine in family hotels and in the other islands but we recommend that you ask your hosts for confirmation.

Do you tip cab drivers in Tahiti?

Tipping your taxi driver in Tahiti is not mandatory or expected. Although, you can always leave a 5 to 10% tip if you enjoyed your ride.

Is it better to tip in dollars or pesos?

Dollars or pesos? In most tourist areas in Mexico, it is acceptable to tip in either pesos or dollars, though pesos are more practical for the person being tipped. If you do tip in dollars, be sure to only tip using notes and not coins as coins cannot be exchanged.

Do you pump your own gas in Tahiti?

Gas is also a little expensive, but luckily, you won't need too much. The gas station attendants pump gas for you in Tahiti!

What do locals wear in French Polynesia?

Inside the resorts, local people in Tahiti dress in casual beachy attire: sundresses, tropical button-ups, khaki shorts and sandals. Outside the resorts, local people in Tahiti dress very casually: tee shirts, shorts and flip flops.

Do you tip waiters in French Polynesia?

To summarize, tipping in French Polynesia is not required nor expected! Unlike places in Canada and the United States, such as Calgary and San Diego, where servers are heavily reliant on receiving tips to have a livable wage, French Polynesia automatically factors in the cost of their staff's salary in your bill.

Can you tip in US dollars in Tahiti?

You'll certainly want to have some cash on hand for small purchases and the occasional tip. Euros and US Dollars are not widely accepted in the islands; therefore, local currency is best.

What is the legal drinking age in Tahiti?

The legal drinking age is 21.
So if you're going to Tahiti to celebrate your 18th – don't expect to be served alcohol in this country. Drinking alcohol in public and public drunkenness is not only frowned upon – but illegal.

What is the dress code for Tahiti?

When packing for a trip to Tahiti, focus on casual, comfortable, warm weather clothing. Sandals are accepted everywhere and men can leave their neckties home! The dress code is very casual. However, while going out to dinner some nights in luxury hotels or fine dining restaurants, you may want to dress up.

What is the etiquette in French Polynesia?

General etiquette
Shoes should be removed before entering someone's home in French Polynesia. When greeting each other in French Polynesia, people use handshakes or a kiss on the cheek. It is considered rude to get into the room, and not greet everyone except for large crowds.

How should I tip at a resort?

In resort restaurants, tipping approximately $2 to $3 per person is acceptable. In higher-end restaurants, plan on a $5 tip at a minimum. Tip the bartender and pool staff $2 to $3 per interaction and the concierge $5 for services. Tipping shuttle drivers is also customary.