Should I know Japanese before going to Japan?

Should I know Japanese before going to Japan? The truth is, you do not need to speak any Japanese to have a successful, wonderful trip to Japan (and if you're looking for travel inspiration, check out our favorite destinations in Japan). However, learning a few key Japanese phrases can make your trip just that much better.

How many days in Tokyo?

The ideal duration to explore Tokyo is at least 5 days to discover the main areas of the city and the outskirts of the prefecture. To explore Japan's best, spend at least 2 weeks here. Even then, you will realize that there are so many things to discover in Japan.

Is English enough to travel in Japan?

When traveling in Japan, especially if you're in one of the big cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, you'll generally have no problem not speaking Japanese at all. There are usually English signs all over train stations and airports.

Can you eat in public in Japan?

Walking and eating in Japan Japanese tend not to eat while walking along or standing around on the street. However, it is acceptable to drink while standing aside a vending machine. Eating and drinking on local trains, but not long distance express trains, is also frowned upon.

What is the age for drinking in Japan?

In Japan, the legal adult age is 20. Japanese law prohibits individuals under the age of 20 to drink alcohol or smoke. Regardless of age, you must not force anyone to drink or smoke as it may cause serious health and social consequences.

Is Japan friendly for tourists?

Is Japan a friendly country for tourists? People in Japan are famous for being incredibly polite, friendly, and welcoming; if you ask for directions despite the language barrier, they will always help you and tell you what you need; everyone is very respectful and extremely helpful.

Do taxis in Japan speak English?

Most Japanese taxi drivers do not speak English, so you should try and show the driver a name card showing your destination in Japanese characters, or point out the place you wish to go on a map. Japanese cabs also now often have SAT NAV which will aid finding your destination if you know the telephone number of the ...

Can I drink the tap water in Japan?

Yes, drinking water from taps in Japan is safe. For environmental reasons, try to use a refillable water bottle rather than buying bottled water in Japan. Metro train stations have public water fountains, but otherwise these can be hard to find (this is the land of vending machines after all).