Should I spend more time in Split or Dubrovnik?

Should I spend more time in Split or Dubrovnik? If you had to visit one of these gorgeous cities for a day trip and budget wasn't an issue then I'd personally say to choose Split. All of the key city sights are easily viewable in one day whereas it will take at least a couple of days to see what Dubrovnik has to offer.

Is there a train between Split and Dubrovnik?

1 Split (Croatia) - Dubrovnik (Croatia) Travel from Split to Dubrovnik by bus. There is no train connection available. The journey time is 4 hours. The bus ticket price starts at 13 EUR.

Is Split too touristy?

While Split is undoubtedly a tourist hot spot, it's very much a working town too. There are many places in Split that locals love to visit that are overlooked by visitors. Take a look at some of the more off-the-beaten-track attractions you can visit on your next trip to Split, below.

How much is an Uber from Dubrovnik to Split?

Dubrovnik to Split & Split to Dubrovnik by UBER => 1.500 Kuna (223 US$ / 200 Euro) Dubrovnik to Sarajevo => from 958 Kuna.

How much time should I spend in Dubrovnik?

Spending four to eight days in Dubrovnik city opens up a wealth of opportunities to explore all of its top attractions along with the more under-the-radar gems. Dedicate the first few days to the cobbled streets of the Old Town.

Where should I stop between Split and Dubrovnik?

The road between Split and Dubrovnik passes near Bacina lakes and we suggest you visit them, at least for an hour or so. You can do many things in this beautiful landscape, enjoy in one of the beach bars or take one of the adventure tour options on the lakes.

Can you do a day trip from Split to Dubrovnik?

One day is enough to see the Old Town, check out the old city walls, see a few Game of Thrones location sites, and even pop into a few of the attractions like the Rector's Palace and the Franciscan Church. The tip here is definitely to get up early in the morning to make the most of your Split to Dubrovnik day tour!

Is Dubrovnik too touristy?

Dubrovnik is Europe's most overtouristed city Using data from 2019, Statista found that Dubrovnik was the most touristed city in Europe, above both Venice and Barcelona. The city has a population of just over 41,000 and welcomed almost 1.5 million tourists in 2019. That's around 36 tourists per resident.

Why is Dubrovnik so expensive?

It is true that Dubrovnik is more expensive than other destinations in Croatia. This is heavily due to Dubrovnik serving as the main filming location for Star Wars and Game of Thrones, which has led to a huge increase in visitors making it the most popular destination in Croatia.

How many days in Dubrovnik is enough?

Dubrovnik a small town, so unless you plan to take day trips to islands or other attractions nearby, two days is the perfect amount of time to get to know this ancient city. (If you're interested in seeing on overview of our entire 2 week itinerary in Croatia, I've written up a summary of our trip here.

Why is Dubrovnik so popular?

Dubrovnik is among the top 10 medieval walled cities in the world. In addition to this, it also pleases its visitors with its clean sea and peaceful atmosphere. Tourists make up the city's crowd in the summer, because the city's own population is only 49 thousand people.