Should you pat or rub sunscreen?

Should you pat or rub sunscreen? Sunscreen is thick, so it takes a few minutes to pat it in. Rubbing it on makes application much faster. But faster doesn't always equal more effective. Scientific studies have proven that patting sunscreen on is the right way to do it.

How long does SPF 50 last on face?

SPF50 should protect you 50 times as long as your skin would be able to naturally protect itself. However, remember that the lower the SPF and longer the length of time since application, the less UVB rays will be filtered, so a reapplication every two hours is highly recommended.

Do you really need to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours?

Generally, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. If you work indoors and sit away from windows, you may not need a second application. Be mindful of how often you step outside, though. Keep a spare bottle of sunscreen at your desk just to be safe.