What affects your Uber rating?

What affects your Uber rating? After each trip, riders and drivers have the opportunity to rate each other from 1 to 5 stars, based on their trip experience. Ratings are anonymous. You won't see individual ratings tied to a particular trip or person. Your driver rating is an average of the last 500 ratings from your riders.

Is 4.99 a good Uber rating?

If your rating is between 4.94 and 4.99, you are a great passenger with lots of experience. For the longest time, my driver rating was a perfect 5.0 on both Uber and Lyft.

Is 3.8 a bad Uber rating?

It's pretty average… most riders will have a 4.8 or higher. Anything less than 4.7 and you will start seeing it take longer to get a ride, because drivers will begin declining to take a ride from someone with a rating so low. It's important to understand a few things about how you are rated as a rider.

How many people have a 5 * rating on Uber?

A perfect 5.00 score though is rare. There are very few drivers who have a 5.00 - less than 1% of the total population. And among them, some are able to maintain the 5.00 consistently.

Is a 4.7 Uber rating bad?

Uber ratings below 4.7 are considered to be below average. So a rating of 4.5 isn't very good. If your rating falls below 4.6 for a long period of time, there's a risk that Uber will deactivate your account.

Is a 4.74 Uber rating good?

If you're between a 4.7 and 4.79, you're a solid passenger, but you may have a slightly questionable history.

Does tipping affect your Uber rating?

Ratings don't affect tips, and tips aren't tied to 5-star ratings.

How do I break down my Uber rating?

When you log into the Uber app, you'll see it displayed immediately below your name, next to the star icon.
  1. What many people don't realize is that you can see a breakdown of this score, and how many drivers gave you each star rating. ...
  2. From there scroll down and click “Privacy.”
  3. On the next page click on “Privacy Center.”

Do Uber drivers know if you report them?

Yes the driver will get a notice probably within a couple of hours. Usually the notice will say “A recent passenger has said some of your driving practices have been unsafe.” Then depending on what you say they may just let it go with a warning or they may get suspended until Uber deems them safe to return to driving.

Can I see what Uber driver gave me a bad rating?

You'll see how many drivers gave you a stellar 5-star rating, how many handed out the dreaded single star, and everything in between. The ratings breakdown is available to all Uber users right in the Privacy Center, which can be accessed by logging into your account online or in the app.

Why do I have a 4.5 rating on Uber?

Star Ratings are an average of rated trips. If you have two rated trips, one 5 star and one 4 star the average is 4.5. If you have hundreds of trips and a 4.5 then it would not be considered a very good average rating however…

How do I get my 5 stars back on Uber?

Be kind, courteous, and thoughtful. Above all, this is the feedback we hear that drivers want from their riders. A simple “Hello, how's your day going?” goes a long way in what drivers think of you. Additionally, how you word something can make all the difference.

Is 4.5 a bad Uber rating?

What's considered a bad rider rating? Anything below 4.5 stars isn't ideal. If you check your rating and it's lower than you like, the only way to make it better is to take more rides and take heed to the following advice. It may take a while, but that 3.9 can grow to 4.6 in no time.

How do I remove a 1 star rating on Uber?

In order to ensure a consistent and reliable experience, we are unable to remove individual trip ratings on request. Keep in mind that although you will rate a rider after every trip, riders are not required to do the same. Ratings are optional for riders.

What is the average Uber rating for passengers?

' The average rating for Uber riders is 4.89 out of 5, and the rating is based on an average of your last 500 trips. But there are things you can do to get a lower rating, such as keeping a driver waiting at the pick-up spot for a while, as this might prevent them from taking another passenger.

Do Uber drivers like quiet passengers?

One driver said their 'best passengers are the ones that quietly sit in the back', while another agreed that their 'dream passenger is the one who tells me to turn up the music and then sits quietly'.