What are the demographics of dark tourism?

What are the demographics of dark tourism? In terms of age group, demand in the youngsters in the age group 15-25 years and 26-35 years will continue gaining traction through 2032. Based on packages, Dark tourism travelers will continue to opt tour group deals over the normal travel deals.

Is dark tourism getting more popular?

While dark tourism is growing in popularity, it has existed for as long as people have had a fascination with death and a penchant for travel. Social media has made dark tourism feel increasingly voyeuristic.

Why is dark tourism growing in popularity?

Dark tourism is growing in popularity because it can provide an immersive experience that allows visitors to gain a deeper understanding of these events. With this knowledge, dark tourists can reflect on the aftermath of war, genocide, and other atrocities while honoring those affected.

Is Auschwitz a dark tourism?

All tourists to Auschwitz are usually seen as dark tourists [26], an approach that overlooks the possibility that the reasons for visiting and the experiences sought might be completely devoid of interest in death. In a study of visitors to Auschwitz, Biran et al.

How big is the dark tourism industry?

According to the latest Dark Tourism Market report, the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is estimated at 8.5% from 2022 to 2031, By the end of 2031, it is anticipated that the global market for dark tourism market will be worth US$ 44.5 Bn, as per the latest industry analysis by Reports and Insights.

What is dark age of tourism?

It is a modern tendency where visitors travel to sites of mass destruction, death, or extended suffering. Though the study of dark tourism has been widely expanded over the recent years, less attention was given to the Southeast Asian destinations.

Why are people against dark tourism?

Why is dark tourism controversial? Despite the positives, there can be negative aspects of dark tourism, too. Avoid tourism sites being run purely for profit rather than to educate, or tour operators and museums that are insensitively sharing the view of both the victims and the perpetrators.

What are the different types of dark tourists?

Destinations considered as dark tourism sites, are museums, cemeteries, slums, concentration camps, war scenarios, attempts or others places of tragedy [34].

What are the elements of dark tourism?

Dark tourism refers to visiting places where some of the darkest events of human history have unfolded. That can include genocide, assassination, incarceration, ethnic cleansing, war or disaster — either natural or accidental.

Who started dark tourism?

The term “dark tourism” was coined in 1996, by two academics from Scotland, J. John Lennon and Malcolm Foley, who wrote “Dark Tourism: The Attraction to Death and Disaster.”

What do dark tourists do?

Dark tourism (also Thana tourism (as in Thanatos), black tourism, morbid tourism, or grief tourism) has been defined as tourism involving travel to places historically associated with death and tragedy.