What are the disadvantages of Azerbaijan?

What are the disadvantages of Azerbaijan? Structural and political weakness With ample natural resources in the hydrocarbon sector, Azerbaijan is highly dependent on mineral products, which account for about one-third of GDP, half of fiscal revenues and nearly 90% of goods exports. As a result, the economy is very vulnerable to external shocks.

Is Azerbaijan safe for US citizens?

Azerbaijan is overall a safe country to visit. Still, you should always be careful and not walk around alone at night, or carry large sums of money as incidents could still occur. According to international outlets, you should stay away from these areas due to political instability: Nagorno-Karabakh.

Where should I avoid in Azerbaijan?

Don't go near or talk about Armenia – Avoid the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan, where sporadic armed clashes still take place. In particular, don't go near the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which is a disputed area where armed conflict is common.

What is so special about Azerbaijan?

The Land of Fire The word 'Azerbaijan' literally means 'protector of fire'; the country is abundant in oil and natural gas; it was a centre of fire worshipping; and fire has always been one of the symbols of our capital, Baku, which today is reflected in the amazing Flame Towers.