What are the dragons in the challenge in Harry Potter?

What are the dragons in the challenge in Harry Potter? Each Champion draws a token representing what they will face; their task is to retrieve a golden Egg. Fleur draws a Welsh Green Dragon, number 2; Krum, a Chinese Fireball, number 3; Cedric, a Swedish Short-snout, number 1; and Harry, the Hungarian Horntail that he had seen earlier, number 4.

What dragon did Cedric Diggory have?

Cedric's dragon is a Swedish Short-Snout, from which he has to retrieve the Golden Egg it is guarding. Cedric achieves this by transfiguring a rock into a Labrador to distract the dragon whilst he retrieves the egg. The dragon is distracted by Cedric, but burns half of his face.

How did Hagrid get Harry as a baby?

Following the death of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore entrusts Hagrid with rescuing the infant Harry from his parents' house after they have been murdered by Lord Voldemort.

What kind of dragon did Hagrid have?

Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid had acquired as an egg from a mysterious, hooded stranger in the Hog's Head, who turned out to be Professor Quirrell. Hagrid helps the dragon hatch from the egg. Norbert becomes very dangerous and much bigger in the weeks following.