What are the world's most respected passports?

What are the world's most respected passports? Here are the world's 10 most powerful passports for 2023: Singapore (192 locations) Germany, Italy, Spain (190 locations) Japan, Austria, Finland, France, Luxembourg, South Korea and Sweden (189 locations) UK, Denmark, Ireland, and the Netherlands (188 locations)

Is the UK or US passport stronger?

The UK passport, meanwhile, is now able to visit 187 countries and comes in at number six – moving up one place from last year. The USA comes in at seven (186 countries) and Australia at eight (185). The weakest passport, once again, is Afghanistan. Afghan people can only visit 27 countries without the need for a visa.

What countries are visa free for UK citizens?

As of September 2023, UK citizens can travel visa free to 184 countries and territories:
  • Albania.
  • American Samoa **
  • Andorra.
  • Anguilla.
  • Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Argentina.
  • Armenia.
  • Aruba.