What colors to avoid in Kenya?

What colors to avoid in Kenya? Avoid bright colours like white and red and dark colours like black and blue as this can attract Tsetse flies. Keep it simple with layered clothing that you don't mind getting dirty and bring a woolly hat and gloves for those chilly morning game drives.

What colors should I wear in Kenya?

The most practical items to pack for your Kenya safari are: Clothes in khaki, green, beige and neutral colours. Long-sleeved shirts that offer protection from the sun and mosquitoes.

Can I wear blue in Kenya?

Avoid bright colours like white and red and dark colours like black and blue as this can attract Tsetse flies. Keep it simple with layered clothing that you don't mind getting dirty and bring a woolly hat and gloves for those chilly morning game drives.

Is grey OK to wear on safari?

Shorts and shirts are quite comfortable on a safari especially during the day, but sometimes during the game drives and short walks in the bushes you might wish you had covered up a little more. So light weight pants in light colors like cream,khaki and Chinos or grey are good for the game drives and walks.

Can you wear olive green on safari?

We've put together a short guideline on dressing for the best safari experience. This is pretty straight forward. Khaki, olive, tan, brown and earthy greens tend to be your best bets. The idea is to blend into the bush so that wildlife is undisturbed, and you can view them in their natural habitat.