What currency does Monaco use?

What currency does Monaco use? 16. What currency does Monaco use? The official tender of Monaco is the Euro (€).

Do you tip in Monaco?

In Monaco, restaurant bills usually already includes a 15% service charge and as such no additional tip is expected. However you should always check your bill, for the service charge whether it`s included or not, if not then a 15% tip is customary. It is normal to tip 15% at bars as well.

What is Monaco famous for?

Monaco is famously the playground of the rich and famous, despite being the world's 2nd-smallest nation. Spanning just 200 hectares, this historic principality features grand casinos, designer malls, opulent bars and clubs, and a human-made beach, attracting celebrities and vacationers year-round.

Can I wear flip flops in Monaco?

No bare feet. Sandals are fine. Flip flops are absolutely ok.

Are 1 out of 3 people millionaires in Monaco?

One in three people who live in Monaco are millionaires There are 12,261 millionaires per square mile in Monaco. At $186,080 it also has the highest GDP per capita in the world, second only to Luxembourg.