What do countries see when they scan your passport?

What do countries see when they scan your passport? What appears on their screen is basically all the information they have about you. All your travel history to and from that country. The consular officer's note when you were interviewed. Everything written in your passport, including identifying details and any travel history it contains.

Why is my passport flagged UK?

The only time your passport is likely to be 'flagged' is when: there is a warrant out for your arrest either nationally or internationally through Interpol. you are currently undergoing investigation for a possible criminal offence. you have been engaged in some kind of terrorist activity and/or on a Watch List.

What do UK immigration officers see when they scan your passport?

Passport details: The officer can view the passport's issue and expiry dates, the country that issued the passport, and the authority that issued it. Biometric data: Some passports contain a microchip that stores biometric data, such as a digital image of your face, which can be used for facial recognition purposes.

Why do airlines scan your passport?

The airlines computer system may use the information to flag to staff to carry out a manual documentation check to make sure that you have a suitable visa in your passport for the destination you are travelling to, in addition to meeting any other conditions for travel (eg, return/onward ticket).